Mission Meal Serving: Our Rushmore Rotary crew was joined today by Staci and Jon from Ellsworth Air Force Base, colleagues of Jennifer Rollins. We had great fun getting to know them a bit. Thanks for joining us! Servers today, from the left—Steve Bareis, Kerry Lassaux, Jon and Staci from EAFB, Jennifer Rollins and Kim Nearhood. We serve the first Tuesday of each month from 12-1 pm at the Cornerstone Rescue Mission. If you have any questions please contact Kim Nearhood.
What we say and how we behave matter. Although free expression is important, we must take responsibility for how our words and actions may affect others. The RI Board has approved a new DEI Code of Conduct to help Rotary members create and maintain an environment that is collaborative, positive, and healthy for everyone. Simply put, the DEI Code of Conduct asks you to:
PO Box 8125, Rapid CIty SD 57709