Mission Meal Serving: Our Rushmore Rotary crew was joined today by Staci and Jon from Ellsworth Air Force Base, colleagues of Jennifer Rollins. We had great fun getting to know them a bit. Thanks for joining us! Servers today, from the left—Steve Bareis, Kerry Lassaux, Jon and Staci from EAFB, Jennifer Rollins and Kim Nearhood. We serve the first Tuesday of each month from 12-1 pm at the Cornerstone Rescue Mission. If you have any questions please contact Kim Nearhood.
Serving at Cornerstone Rescue Mission
2025-02-07 07:00:00Z |
Rushmore Rotarians have been volunteering at this year’s Black Hills Stock Show. The club receives a nice donation in exchange so we really appreciate our helpers!
Black Hills Stockshow Volunteers
2025-02-05 07:00:00Z |
We met today at the Black Hills Stock Show where we heard from the 2024 Miss Stock Show, Kayla Engwicht. She told us about the pageant process which involves a lot of study, horsemanship, interviews and impromptu speeches. The 2025 Miss Stock Show will be crowned this Saturday 2/8. Thank you to our own Ron Jefferies for hosting us, and thank you to all the Rushmore Rotarians who have volunteered at this year’s stock show.
February 4, 2025 Meeting
2025-02-04 07:00:00Z |
 We had 3 Paul Harris Fellow recipients receive pins today for their support of the Rotary Foundation. Congratulations to Kyle Bargman, Kim Nearhood +2, and Jeff Kingsbury +4. Your support helps Rotary projects continue around the world.  Our speaker today was Beth Walz Davis. She is a certified End of Life Doula. She assists clients and their loved ones by planning and coordinating end-of-life care and grief groups. Beth shared some personal experiences with death and grief. She emphasized that while death is part of a natural cycle, our culture is "death phobic", afraid to think about or plan for death; and have what she calls an aversion to grief. We have the capacity to choose when we leave and our bodies know how to leave. She encourages her clients to plan, to help them have those conversations on how "end of life" should look. For example, does the person like to be touched, read to, sang to, or they may just want you Present. She provided some insight on dealing with grief -- honoring grief no matter when it shows up. It is important to find a way to talk about your loss and to tell stories. For more information on Beth go to: https://bethwalzdavis.com/end-of-life-doula/
January 28, 2024 Meeting
2025-01-28 07:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Doug Bates from Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP), a non-profit organization that builds and delivers beds to children in need. SHP is a national organization that was brought to Rapid City by Doug and his wife in 2019. So far they have made and given away 675 beds here. They do 2-3 build days through out the year and receive great donations from Forest Products and Lowe’s. The beds are for kids ages 3-17, and those in need can apply at their website www.shpbeds.org. You can also donate here and get more information on volunteering.
January 21, 2025 Meeting
2025-01-21 07:00:00Z |
 Today was Rotary Day. We welcomed the Rapid City Alternative Academy Students of Distinction for the 1st semester of 2024-2025 along with their families. Each was presented with a $50 Walmart gift card from Rushmore Rotary. Congratulations, and keep up the great work! This morning we heard a terrific presentation from our own Kibbe Brown and Tianna Yellow Hair who shared their experiences on the Rotary Group Study Exchange Cultural Exchange. This was the first Rotary exchange involving indigenous peoples from District 5610 Lakota tribe members and District 9705 Wiradjuri tribe members in Australia. This was a 3 week district wide tour through Australia where they exchanged and compared experiences, enjoyed cultural foods and programs and spoke at the District 9705 Conference, receiving huge accolades. For more information on Rotary’s GSE program visit www.rotary.org.
January 14, 2025 Meeting
2025-01-14 07:00:00Z |
On Saturday, January 11, Rushmore Rotary hosted its annual Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) workshop offered to all of the Rotary clubs in the Black Hills. A casual and interactive environment lead to a day of inspiration, creative ideas and fantastic fellowship while learning more about Rotary. The evaluations revealed all loved learning more about the Grants process, how DDF works, and that all would like to see more time given during the workshop to interact with each other. Congratulations RLI Class of 2025!!
Rushmore Rotary R.L.I. 2025
2025-01-11 07:00:00Z |
The School of St. Jude sent season’s greetings and thank you for our support. Here is a list of highlights from this year.
Year end Report School Of St. Jude
2025-01-11 07:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Anita Deranleau, the McKinney-Vento homeless coordinator for the Rapid City School District. This federal law protects houseless students and requires a liaison in every school district to eliminate barriers to education. She makes sure these students are identified and provided basic needs like food and transportation to school. Annually we have about 600-700 houseless students who are helped by this program and are able to get an equal education. For more information please go to: http://doe.sd.gov/title/mckinneyvento.aspx.
January 7, 2024 Meeting
2025-01-07 07:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Amy Sazue, Executive Director of Rapid City Indian Boarding Schools Land Memorial Project. The memorial is located on the hillside behind West Middle School on old Rapid City Indian Boarding School land. The school ran from 1898-1933. About 50 children died in this time period, and currently 7 have not been located. This project started as a team of volunteers tirelessly working to find the original boundary lines, then narrowing down where the graves were. The project is 90% complete. Please visit their website to learn more about this fantastic memorial: www.rememberingthechildren.org.
December 17, 2024 Meeting
2024-12-17 07:00:00Z |
Sharing letters to our club from students at the School of St. Jude, Hilary & Princess
Letters from School of St. Jude
2024-12-16 07:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Rob Mudge, founder of RPM & Assoc. they were founded 1982 working with solutions fo mines, then expanded to power plant solutions, then in 2001 expanded to laser welding-DED(Directed Energy Depositions) finding solutions to make parts along with repairs and strengthening in the aerospace & aviation industries. They have been working with NASA on propulsion technology, to make parts faster, stronger and less expensive to produce. For more information on this interesting company visit www.rpm-innovations.com.
December 3, 2024 Meeting
2024-12-03 07:00:00Z |
Rushmore Rotarians and their Impact Club members came together to assemble the Rotary float for this year’s Festival Of Lights parade through downtown Rapid City on Saturday. They all had such fun and the float was beautiful. On board were DG Bruce Nearhood, Jennifer Rollins, Rene Sorenson and Jeff Kingsbury. Check out our Facebook page for videos of all the fun. facebook/rushmorerotary.
2024 Festival Of Lights Parade
2024-12-01 07:00:00Z |
At this morning’s meeting Lynn Rick Taylor received her Rotary badge from her mentor, Rushmore Rotary President Heidi Bell Gease after completing her new member checklist. Way to go Lynn! Our speaker today was Andrea Hovey from Serbian Dog Rescue. As a lover of fox wire haired terriers she first headed to Serbia in 2019 to rescue one. She ended up bringing back 2 dogs and kept one. This led to more rescues and adoptions here in America. Serbia has a large number of shelter dogs and even though they don’t charge for adoptions, they still can’t help them all.
November 26, 2024 Meeting
2024-11-26 07:00:00Z |
At this morning’s meeting Linda Peterson talked about the process of getting a Rotary global grant and honored Pat Sutliff for her help in securing India as an international sponsor for the Whiteclay Makers Space. This morning we had the pleasure of hearing from Jan McGrath, owner of Pilates Whole Body. Pilates provides whole body support focusing on the body’s core. It improves posture, flexibility, balance and power of movement. It is a full body workout for all ages and fitness levels. She also incorporates brain-fit exercises to improve movement and nervous system interaction. Check her out at www.pilateswholebody.com
November 19, 2024 Meeting
2024-11-19 07:00:00Z |
Rushmore Rotarians were honored at the Children’s Home Society last night as a thank you for being the state’s 2nd largest donor, raising over 1 million dollars and completing our $250,000 pledge. Our new $500,000 pledge started this year. We love the Children’s home and all the great work they do. If you would like to get more information or donate, go to www.chssd.org.
CHS Appreciation Gathering
2024-11-18 07:00:00Z |
Today was Rotary day.
Congratulations to Tanner Hart. He completed his membership worksheet and received his Rotary badge from mentor Dave Dolan and membership chair Renee Sorenson.  Congratulations to Mary Kenner for receiving her Paul Harris Fellow+3. Thank you for supporting the Rotary Foundation and its great work. This morning DG Bruce Nearhood auctioned a beautiful drawing by a student at the School of St. Jude’s. The $325 raised will go directly to the school. Thank you for you support! We had classifications talks from two of our members this morning; Kyle Bargman- finance & insurance, and Todd Hyronimus- judge. It’s always fun and interesting to find out about our awesome members. Our Foundation chair, Terri Davis, talked about the Rotary Foundation today. Donations made to the foundation are held and invested for 3 years before they go toward global grants or district grants. Rotary clubs all over the world us this money to fund projects that help advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through health, education and alleviation of poverty. Go to myrotary.org to get more information and make your donations.
November 12, 2024 Meeting
2024-11-12 07:00:00Z |
Today we welcomed our newest member, Doran Grohs. Born a South Dakota native in Watertown, he relocated with his family to Rapid City in 1972 and graduated from Stevens High School class of 1987. In 1997, he married the love of his life, Kristi, and together they raised two sons Dylan (currently working in Kuwait) and Camden (currently working in Rapid City). Work and life took them away from South Dakota for many years and after losing his wife to cancer in 2018, he moved back to Rapid City to finish raising his youngest son, and reconnect with his hometown and spend more time with his family. Doran works as a Financial Advisor with Modern Woodmen of America, and teaches Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University several times a year. He also works with the Pennington County Authority to assist others to create financial success in their lives. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus, was heavily involved in Scouting for many years, and has a real love of working with outreach programs and helping others. He likes to fish, but mostly spending time with his family, attending local events with his girlfriend, April, and traveling regionally to connect with old friends. let’s give Doran a big welcome! 
Our speaker today was Steve Hildebrand, Founder of The Promising Futures Fund (and brother of our own Kim Nearhood). This fund was started in Sioux Falls to make a difference in the education of children growing up in poverty. They believe that a child’s economic background should never prevent them from having the same education, same experiences and same opportunities as a child whose family has more resources. Because Rapid City’s school poverty rate is at about 40% , with 5 elementary schools at 100%, they are looking to expand this program to Rapid City and are looking for people here that would like to work with educators to make this happen. For information on The Promising Fund please visit www.promisingfuturesfund.org.
November 5, 2024 Meeting
2024-11-05 07:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Paulette Davidson, President and CEO, Monument Health. She gave us an update on their integrated health care system serving the Black Hills communities and neighboring states. They have recruited 250 new physicians in this area and maintain a relationship with Mayo Clinic for increased patient care. Monument’s 5 year plan was shared with us and she answered Rotarians questions about future plans, including a new Rapid City Children’s expansion and a Spearfish expansion. They are also planning a drug and alcohol rehab facility in Rapid City. They are continuing to have world class healthcare in Western South Dakota.
October 29, 2024 Meeting
2024-10-29 06:00:00Z |
What a great team. Rushmore Rotarians turned out today to decorate sets at Storybook Island with lights. Great work people! Don’t forget the Safe N Sweet Trick N Treat 10/26 from 2-5 pm or 6-9 pm.
Hanging Lights At Storybook Island
2024-10-25 06:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was our own Francie Fortune, Executive Director of SunCatcher Therapeutic Riding Academy. SunCatcher was established in 2001 as a mobile program out of Custer, SD. In 2010 they permanently moved to Rapid City, SD where they provide therapeutic horsemanship. They serve all ages of people with special needs. Their program allows them to learn and experience the unique connection between horse and human. This year they were able to have 84 participants who came weekly. They also ran special programs for kids from the Children’s Home Society. We heard from board president Kent Wells on his experience with kids and trusting with the horses help. Bill & Tammy Dennert , Certified Practioners introducing Horseback Miracles which is a unique equine sensory therapy program where the horse is the catalyst for improving brain function. SunCatcher is a mostly volunteer organization depending on the generosity of local business, private donations and grants. If you would like more information on this incredible organization please visit www.suncatchertra.org. Thank you Rotarians for more candy donations to help the Stotybook Island Safe n Sweet Trick N Treat Fundraiser October 26, 2024. They still need more volunteers for the event. Contact the park if you can help. #suncatchertra #theraputichorses
October 22, 2024 Meetings
2024-10-22 06:00:00Z |
This is Gemma’s schedule for her visits across SD October 24, 2024-October 26, 2024. Come out and see her!
Gemma Sisia-School of St. Jude SD Schedule
2024-10-21 06:00:00Z |
We received some great publicity from the Rapid City Journal on the school of St. Jude and our upcoming fundraiser. Don’t forget to mark your calendars to be there on October 26th!
Rapid City Journal article on School of St. Jude
2024-10-21 06:00:00Z |
Thanks to some SD Mines ASCE students, Scott Kenner, and our own Mary Kenner and Jeff Meyer, the concrete pads on M Hill for a Rotary Bench were completed today. Jeff Meyer suggested adding a Rotary bench on M HIll as he is an avid mountain biker in the area. Mary Kenner wrote the grant for district dollars to add a bench at M Hill and 2 benches at the City of Box Elder. The bench will be added at a later date. Thanks all!
M Hill Rotary Bench Project
2024-10-20 06:00:00Z |
 Congratulations Cathy Quinilivan on receiving her Paul Harris+3 today. Thank you for your continued contributions to the Rotary Foundation so their good work will continue. To learn more about Rotary’s projects visit rotary.org. Rotarians continue to bring candy donations for Storybook Island’s Safe n Sweet Trick n Treat which takes place October 26, 2024 at the park from 2-5pm or 6-9pm. Help us make this a great event. You can donate candy directly to the park through the 26th. www.storybookisland.org Our speaker today was Daniel Ainslie, City of Rapid City Finance Director. He shared information on the consumable sales tax ballot issue, IM 28, on the November 5th ballot. This measure would take away cities abilities to collect sales taxes on anything fit for human consumption. Because of this broad wording a lot more than food will not be taxed creating a state budget deficit estimated at $120 million. This will affect every city differently. Rapid City would have to make some hard budget cuts. Be sure to read the pros and cons to all the ballot issues and don’t forget to vote!
October 15, 2024 Meeting
2024-10-15 06:00:00Z |
Paul Harris #5 for Jennifer Rollins! Congratulations and thank you for your continued support to the Rotary Foundation which helps to fund countless life saving and enhancing projects around the world.  At this past weekend’s District 5610 Conference our club received several awards for the 2023-2024 Rotary year. Net Growth in Membership (11%) 2nd Highest Contribution Polio Plus Dollars 2nd Highest Per Capita Giving Annual Fund (Rotary Foundation) 100% Every Rotarian Every Year Contributions 100% Club Foundation Giving Congratulations to a hard working and generous club! We are within a few cases of eradicating polio in the world and help thousands of people worldwide wide. Today was Rotary day. We discussed the fantastic District 5610 Conference that took place here in Rapid City this past weekend. We also were visited by Speaker Patrick Harrison, Zone 29 and 25b Leadership Public Image. Patrick confirmed what we as Rushmore Rotarians already know -- we are an energetic and involved club. He reminded us that "Everyone has a role in Public Image" and encouraged members to "go outside of the Club's walls" by visiting other Clubs, attending Conferences, and seeing the power of Rotary. He was inspired by our Club's community involvement, projects, fundraising, and friendliness. Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm for Rotary with us!
October 8, 2024 Meeting
2024-10-08 06:00:00Z |
This weekend we hosted the District Conference here in Rapid City at the Holiday Inn Downtown. It was well attended and had a great slate of presentations, speakers, and activities. We had inspirational talks from Dr. Jacob Weasel, the first Native American to summit Mt. Everest, John Ockenfels, Polio Pilots, and President’s Representative Andrea Kraus. We learned a lot about Peace Schlors and Interpol, human trafficking, polio, RYLA & youth exchange. The breakout sessions were terrific and we dedicated the Peace Pole at Memorial Park. It was a fun, informative conference. Thank you to the planning committee for your awesome work. This years Roger Kozak Award goes to Jim Mollison of the Pierre-Ft. Pierre Rotary club. The award was presented by the previous winners that were present at the District 5610 Conference. The award honors the memory of Roger Kozak, who distinguished himself as a servant leader in his home town of Vermillion, SD, where he served on the city council for seven years and as Mayor for three years. He died August 1, 2012. In recognition of exceptional service to Rotarians in Rotary District 5610. This award honors the memory of Roger L. Kozak, long-time member of the Vermillion Rotary Club, who served as District Governor, 2009-10, and who distinguished himself as an exceptional servant leader.” Congratulations Jim, well deserved!
2024 District Conference
2024-10-06 06:00:00Z |
Our Speaker today was Lindsey Seacris, Community Outreach and Development Coordinator at Black Hills Center for Aging. Established in 2018, they are the only adult daycare in western South Dakota. Their mission is to serve the aging community by providing day services, education, and resources to enrich their live; a cost effective alternative care option to delay and possibly prevent need for more intensive forms of care. They give respite for caregivers, social interaction, connection, transportation, hygiene support, activities, outings and nutritional support. If you would like more information, or wish to donate please see their website at: blackhillscfa.org.
October 1, 2024 Meeting
2024-10-01 06:00:00Z |
Great event today at Oyate Health’s Moms Tour supporting parents and infants. Thanks for the generosity of many members of our club!
Oyate Health Moms Tour
2024-09-29 06:00:00Z |
Saturday, September 28, 2024 was our club highway clean up day. what a great showing on a beautiful day. Great job!
2024 Highway Clean Up
2024-09-29 06:00:00Z |
This morning we collected diapers for the Oyate Center's Mom's Tour ( https://themomstour.info/) The tour is focused on reducing the unacceptably high maternal mortality and morbidity rates in the U.S., especially among Black and American Indian/Alaska Native moms. Thank you for your donations and Scott Van Dam for organizing this. Linda Peterson donated Foundation points to thank Sandy White Shield and Kibbe Brown for all their hard work with the White Clay Makers Space and human trafficking. They each received a Paul Harris Fellow. Congratulations! Our speaker today was Miss South Dakota, Joelle Simpson. Joelle is from Rapid City and is currently studying Medical Laboratory Sciences at the University of Minnesota. Her platform focuses on Nurturing Nature. She has a passion for penguins and the black footed ferret, which has successfully thrived here in SD through captive breeding. Joelle is also an accomplished harpist and figure skater, (a quad gold medalist). She will be competing for Miss America in January. If you would like to see Joelle’s upcoming series on YouTube called Nurturing Nature you can follow her on facebook (miss South Dakota), or visit her web page at misssd.org. Joelle is raising money to get to the Miss America Pagent. If you would like to help see the picture above to donate.
September 24, 2024 Meeting
2024-09-24 06:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was the new Athletic Director for SD School of Mines, David Crum. He comes from a college sports ticketing and fundraising background. The Hardrockers are a division II school so they are a good balance of athletics and academics. Their players are there persuing engineering degrees. They have 310 scholarship athletes in 13 sports. The school has a 96% job placement rate for athletes. The SD School of Mines would love to see the student population and citizens of Rapid City at more games. Come check out at least one game this season.
September 17, 2024 Meeting
2024-09-17 06:00:00Z |
Today was Rotary Day and Kim Baker, Chair of the PI Committee, went over our web page, Club Runner sign up and our Facebook page. Please utilize these great Rotary resources and like our Facebook page & posts. www.rushmorerotary.com Facebook/rushmore rotary. We had classification talks from Michael Steves ( attorney) and Kim Baker (Insurance-Retired). To end the meeting we had a game to get to know our fellow Rotarians better. Great idea!
September 10, 2024 Meeting
2024-09-10 06:00:00Z |
The September social was last night at our President Heidi Bell-Gease’s house. There was some great food and wonderful fellowship. Enjoyed watching the game in the “grainzebo”.
September 2024 Social
2024-09-06 06:00:00Z |
September 5th was the United Way Day of Caring 2024. Rushmore Rotarians showed up to help paint and clean up at Storybook Island. Great job people!
United Way Day Of Caring 2024
2024-09-05 06:00:00Z |
 District End Polio Walk/Run The top performers will be recognized at our District Conference. D5610 Polio Walk Run: We are at the brink of eradicating Polio virus from the world. This is an initiative started by Rotarians in 1979, and we are committed to continue our support until the goal is reached. Wild Polio is currently reported just in Afghanistan and Pakistan. About 15 cases /yr of wild polio in the past few years. We are vaccinating children throughout the world spending close to a billion dollars each year. Rotary International is third highest contributors in the world, behind Gates Foundation and US Government towards this cause. Efforts are under way to eradicate polio from those two countries. If we can do that, we can stop vaccinating our children and keep the world safe from Polio, just as we did with small pox. This year we will support the cause by organizing a virtual 1K/5K walk/Run during the month of September. How it works: 1. Choose your own time and location and complete your walk or run (1K or 5K) during the month of September. 2. Talk to your family members and friends to join you for the “Rotary Polio walk” 3. Request your friends to support you by donating money for the cause - “Eradicating Polio from the world” and by raising awareness about the current status about Polio. You and your team (if you choose to organize one) can walk or run 1 K or 5 K and keep your time in which you accomplish this. 4. Send the information about your time and funds raised to aakumarjr@gmail.com (Dr Ashok Kumar, D5610 “End Polio Now” chair.) Call me or any of the committee members if you have any questions (605 390 6238). Go the Rotary Foundation web site and contribute the raised fund (from you and your team) in your name to the Polio Fund or give the collected funds to your club’s treasurer (to send to Polio fund). Make sure you send the information about the amount you sent to me by e-mail. You do get credit towards Paul Harris Fellow for the amount you sent. Together we can do this - “Eradicate Polio from the world “- and keep our children safe without having to vaccinate them. We appreciate your support and commitment.
District End Polio Walk/Run
2024-09-04 06:00:00Z |
School Of St. Jude Dinner & Auction
2024-09-03 06:00:00Z |
Our speakers this morning were Jean Kessloff, President and Darla Drew Lerdal, Executive Director of Historic Rapid City. They shared information on their work restoring the Dr. Valentine McGillycuddy house at 727 South Street. Currently the work has moved to the interior and when completed they will attempt to have it registered with the National Historical Record. Historic Rapid City is working to preserve Rapid City’s history. For more information please visit their website: www.historic.org
September 3, 2024 Meeting
2024-09-03 06:00:00Z |
Central States Fair 2024
2024-08-23 06:00:00Z |
Prep work was completed over the last 2 weeks on a District grant Rushmore Rotary was awarded for a bench project in Box Elder. We had a great turnout of Rotarians and friends. A special thanks to Grant Coordinator Carmen Hansen and site logistics Dana Foreman and Staff from City of Box Elder. We look forward to seeing the benches installed soon. WE ARE PEOPLE OF ACTION.
District Grant Box Elder Bench Project
2024-08-23 06:00:00Z |
School of St. Jude Student Princess
2024-08-23 06:00:00Z |
Our speakers today from South Dakota Public Broadcasting were Val Simpson, Donor Relations, and Julie Overgaard, Executive Director. Audiences are steadily growing every year as they bring us local sports, documentaries, SD stories. They live stream local high school sports free with 1.2 million watchers. Their radio streaming and broadcast has 915,000 listeners. More content is utilizing YouTube and soon all 4 channels will be offered there. Video viewing on social media platforms also continue to grow. SDPB is also the primary source for the Emergency Alert System. Check out SDPB at www.sdpb.org.
August 20, 2024 Meeting
2024-08-20 06:00:00Z |
Today was Rotary day. Scott Van Dam shared rocks that were found on the club excursion a few weeks ago. We are also working on forming a companion club for people that can’t make a 7:00 am meeting. The initial meeting is September 30, 2024. Time and place TBD. We need 12-16 members to charter . If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining this club please reach out to Tiffany Gikling. We had classification talks from two members today. Shari West-Twitero has been a member since 1996 and the club treasurer for over 20 years. Jeff Meyer has been a member for 19 years and heads the golf committee. Both grew up here in Rapid City. We were also visited by Rapid City Alternative Academy. Sean Binder and new principal Jessica Canta told us about the exciting new programs this year. They will also be taking on middle schoolers. We look forward to our continued relationship with this great school.
August 13, 2024 Meeting
2024-08-13 06:00:00Z |
 Welcome to our newest member, Connie Olson! Connie has lived her entire life in the Rapid City area. She is married, has 4 children and 10 grandchildren ranging from 8 weeks to 22 years.
She has worked for Youth & Family Services for the past 32 years, currently serving as Chief Development Officer. She is passionate about helping to meet the needs of some of our community's most vulnerable children.
Prior to working at YFS, she worked in Labor & Delivery at Rapid City Regional Hospital and was Financial Aid Director for Rapid City Regional's School of Nursing until it closed.
Connie enjoys traveling with her husband who is a pilot, camping, cooking, crafting, and spending time with family. In her free time, she serves as a Trustee on Rapid Valley Water & Sanitary District's Board of Directors and also chairs the Festival of Lights Parade.
Connie's interest in Rotary was sparked when the club partnered with YFS in 2020 to help meet immediate, urgent needs of families impacted by COVID. To date, more than 140 families have been impacted through this partnership.
New Member Connie Olson
2024-08-06 06:00:00Z |
Our speakers today were Lysann Zeller & Ria Hanson, City of Rapid City Sustainability Comittee. They are working on sustainability in public works through environmental, social and economic programs. The focus is sustainable growth & development, water, waste management, transportation, local and sustainable food supply, energy, education and outreach. To get more information please go to www.rapidcitysustainability.com.
August 6, 2024 Meeting
2024-08-06 06:00:00Z |
2024 CHS Golf Tournament
2024-07-30 06:00:00Z |
Our annual Children’s Home Society golf tournament was held yesterday. We raised $87,000! Great job everyone! This morning we presented the check to Michelle Lavallee, CEO CHS, Mark Niemeyer, CAO, Jon Mammenga, CPO, and Kara Flynn, Director of Development RC. Our speaker today was Kayla Klein, Director of Early Learner South Dakota. They are one of the partners in the new SD Child Care Business Collaborative to address the current child care crisis. They work with legislators, city leaders and businesses to find solutions and funds. For more information go to their website: earlylearnersd.org.
July 30, 2024 Meeting
2024-07-30 06:00:00Z |
The July Social was a picnic and play at the Black Hills Playhouse in Custer State Park. Always a great show and a great time.
July 2024 Social at Black Hills Playhouse
2024-07-29 06:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Tenise Chapman, owner of Black Hills Tire. She shared information on their passion project, Camp Drive. It began when she saw a gap in kid’s summer camps when it came to automotive interests. With the help of her awesome staff she has created a hands on 1 1/2 day experience that teaches kids all about automotive repair while letting them try different aspects of repair from welding to engines and brakes. They hosted 40 kids this year! To learn about this terrific camp please visit their website: www.campdrivebht.com.
July 23, 2024 Meeting
2024-07-23 06:00:00Z |
Rushmore Rotarians donated over 400 children’s story books to be distributed to Little Free Libraries around Rapid City!
Book Drive
2024-07-22 06:00:00Z |
 Lynn is a SD native, growing up on a cattle ranch north of Presho. After high school graduation she studied theater at the University of Minnesota then returned to SD to earn her degree in journalism from South Dakota State University. She served as editor of the Rock County Star Herald in Lucerne, MN for 3 1/2 years, had a brief stint with the Mitchell Daily Republic as City Editor and eventually landed at the Rapid City Journal where she served as a reporter for 20 years. After leaving the Journal in 2013, Lynn worked briefly for Wellfully before leaving to launch the Helpline Center Volunteer Connections program in Rapid City. This program helps connect volunteers with nonprofits that need them. She left that position in 2017 to become the strategic communications coordinator at South Dakota School of Mines. In that position she managed the school’s social media accounts, wrote research blogs and articles, wrote website content, photographed events, and created video scripts and more. In 2020 she ventured out on her own to start Lynn Taylor Rick Communications. She provides writing services, social media management, public relations assistance- basically any and all communications services needed- to business in Memphis, Sioux Falls, Rapid City, and Las Vegas. Lynn is a 2015 graduate of Leadership Rapid City, a graduate of the South Dakota Mines Leadership Academy, and in 2011 was a Regional Health Journalism Fellow with the Association of Healthcare Journalists. She was also a member of the first Rapid City Collective Impact Fellowship. Lynn has been married for 29 years to Randy Rick, a retired forester with the US Forest Service. The two have three daughters-26 year old twins Laurel and Peyton, and 22 year old Alison. In her spare time she loves to fly fish, hike, camp, ski, kayak and generally spend time in nature.
New Member Lynn Taylor Rick
2024-07-16 06:00:00Z |
Congratulations to our members receiving their Paul Harris + pins today. Ron Jeffries +5, Jeff Meyer +5, Mike Fuller +6. Thank you for your great support to the Rotary Foundation. Our speaker today was Misty McCallister, Chief Training Officer with the Department of Social Services. She shared with us information on child protective services. She trains staff in SD on DSS guidelines and parameters and to assess each case to see if it meets the threshold of severity for DSS. Pennington County has about 40 social workers with 600 kids in care. She notes that there is a great shortage of foster homes, especially in Western SD, and all their funding is through the State of SD.
July 16, 2024 Meeting
2024-07-16 06:00:00Z |
Today was Rotary day. President Heidi Bell Gease went over the recent club survey and the 2024-2025 club goals. They include 20 service projects, $6,000 to Polio Plus, membership of 80, service project participation of 50, 12 socials, district conference attendance of 8. Roger Heacock will review our bylaws. There will also be better tracking of participants hours and we will take on one new project, looking at a companion club and upgrading the Rotary gazebo at Storybook Island through a grant.
 Mark Barry spoke to the club about our upcoming football Books sales. This is our major club fundraiser that supports Storybook Island and our club projects. There are 21 Monday Night Football games this year, so a chance to win $50 each week. He shared great ideas for selling the books, such as putting SBI support upfront, the large number of chances to win, post on your social media. Most of all, just ask! They really do sell themselves. Please turn in your book receipts and money weekly if you can to help the committee get them recorded on time.
July 9, 2024 Meeting
2024-07-09 06:00:00Z |
Rushmore Rotarians and friends went agate hunting Friday led by our own Dr. Scott Van Dam. Looks like a beautiful day!
Agate Hunting
2024-07-06 06:00:00Z |
Today our meeting was hosted by the Oyate Health center. We heard from Jerilyn Church, CEO of the Great Plains Tribal Health Board. Since 2019 they have been transitioning to have the facility tribal run instead of under IHC. The new building was completed in February, 2023. They have set up a system of care that treats their patients as relatives and so all staff refer to them as such. The care is patient centered care and culturally sensitive. The center has grown from 14,000 patients in 2019 to 160,000 projected this year and employs 443 individuals of which 62% are Native American. This beautiful facility has state of the art equipment and care along with incredible Native art throughout. Thank you to Rusty for the incredible tour.
July 2, 2024 Meeting
2024-07-02 06:00:00Z |
Our Peace Pole was installed on July 1, 2024 in the Rapid City Memorial Park next to the Berlin Wall memorial. This was a joint effort of the Rapid City Rushmore and Rapid City Rotary clubs. The words, May Peace Prevail on Earth, are written in four languages, one on each side. The languages are English, Lakota, German and Japanese. There are over 200,000 peace poles around the world, each one dedicated to bringing to light the need for peace around the world. All of the work that Rotary does around the world is only possible when there is peace. When Rotary members work on curing diseases , educating people, improving the health of mothers and infants, addressing economic security and cleaning up the environment it can only be lasting if those affected by our work live in peace. It is imperative that we do all we can to make Peace Prevail on Earth!
Peace Pole
2024-07-01 06:00:00Z |
Congratulations Jeff Meyer, our Rotarian of the year! He also receives a Paul Harris Fellow bringing him to +4! Great job and thanks for all your hard work with the Children’s Home Golf Tournament and work with Interact and all your other help.
Rotarian of the Year 2024
2024-06-25 06:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Sara Hornick, Executive Director, Rapid City Public School Foundation.(RCPSF). She shared information on their campaign to raise $30,000 in the 30 days of June to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the RCPSF. Started in 1994 by an endowment, they have awarded over $1 million to educators in Rapid City. Four areas of awards are: Staff Recognition, Grants Program, Evening of Excellence honoring the top 5% of the graduating class, Community Outreach. For all their information and stories and to Please consider helping our Rapid City educators by donating go to at www.rcpsfoundation.org. Pat Sutliff won a $100 Runnings gift card in the district 5610 raffle. Past District Governor Doug Lind received his Paul Harris Fellow +7 today. Congratulations and thank you for your support to the foundation.
June 25, 2024 Meeting
2024-06-25 06:00:00Z |
Rushmore Rotarians showed up to run/walk in the Tom Pfeifle 5K in Rapid City. A beautiful morning for a wonderful event! Thanks for your support. Facebook.com/tompfeifle5k.
Tom Pfeifle 5K 2024
2024-06-22 06:00:00Z |
A fun social at the Bakers for home brew, great food and wonderful fellowship.
June 2024 Social
2024-06-21 06:00:00Z |
We received these letters updating us on the children we sponsor, Princess and Hilary. Great to see they continue to do so well.
News From The School of Saint Jude
2024-06-21 06:00:00Z |
 About 60 people gathered during a two-day summit in early June on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation to increase awareness about human trafficking and missing indigenous people. It also gave Rotarians an opportunity to interact with students to provide them with tools to become leaders to prevent sex trafficking from happening to them or in their communities. The gathering was the first phase of our district’s newest global grant which is a collaborative effort between three districts, and two clubs with one mission. The global grant effort started with Makiko Nakasone, 2023-2024 District Governor D5280 in Los Angeles, CA who three years ago approached our District Governor Rich Burns and Ashok Kumar of the Rotary Club of Rapid City about a project to raise awareness and provide education about human trafficking for school age children and community members living on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Our international grant partner is Rotary District 2620 in Hammatsu-Harmony, Japan. The $55,000 global grant is shared among our district, the LA district and the district in Japan. This is the first of 2 2-day summits for Pine Ridge youth (followed by 12 smaller capstone sessions over the next year ) and their parents or guardians. The project is led by the Rapid City club with several from Rushmore Rotary involved. The Summit had several breakout sessions to address overall awareness and health. Rushmore Rotarians led one of the breakout sessions several times to bring awareness to what is Human Trafficking to approximately 50 participants. Mikaela Leners was amazing in using her teaching skills to really get through to these youth on such a heavy topic. Thank you Jennifer Rollins, Tom Katus, Sandra White-Shield and Mikaela Leners for your hard work in bringing this grant to a reality.
Global Grant Summit At Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
2024-06-19 06:00:00Z |
Last night was our transition dinner at the Mount Rushmore Society Building celebrating our outgoing President Micheal Steve and welcoming incoming President Heidi Bell-Gease. Also in attendance was District Governor Rich Burns and his wife Kelly. He welcomed incoming District Governor Bruce Nearhood and passed along the original District Governor pin. Because the upcoming Rotary theme is The Magic of Rotary, Bruce presented Heidi with her own magic wand! The Rotarian of the year was also announced. Congratulations Jeff Meyer! Thank you for all your hard work in Rotary. A great evening and a big thank you to Michael for a great year. Welcome to Heidi and Bruce, we look forward to a great year under your leadership.
2024 Transition Dinner
2024-06-19 06:00:00Z |
Today we welcomed George Larson, Director, and Tim Schneider, Community Resource Coordinator, from Meals on Wheels Western South Dakota. From 22 locations they serve 64 communities each with their own manager and location. Over 2250 meals per day are served from all these locations. Meals on Wheels also keeps all local donations local. They provide a great service which includes socialization and well checks. They are in great need of volunteers to help package meals and deliver Monday-Friday. If you are interested, or would like more information please visit their website www.mealsprogram.com.
June 18, 2024 Meeting
2024-06-18 06:00:00Z |
Today Terri Davis received her Paul Harris +3 and Georgia O’Connor received her Paul Harris +5. Congratulations ladies and thank you for your support of the Rotary Foundation. For information on giving to the foundation and becoming a Paul Harris Fellow visit rotary.org. Today was Rotary day. Our speaker was our own incoming District Governor Bruce Nearhood. He shared his passion for Rotary as a 37 year member and his goals for his upcoming year. The district conference will be here in Rapid City, SD October 3-6, 2024. Show your support and get registered. Registration is open at rotary5610.org under events.
June 11, 2024 Meeting
2024-06-11 06:00:00Z |
 Today we welcomed new member Lynn Kendall. She received her Rotary pin and 4-Way Test plaque. Lynn is the Community Affairs Manager for Black Hills Energy. In her role, she facilitates community engagement, public relations, and charitable giving for Black Hills Energy in South Dakota. Lynn is focused on support and engagement strategies that cultivate strong partnerships to impact community needs and exemplify the company brand. Lynn’s previous professional experiences span over 15 years of community building, connections, advocacy, and engagement throughout the Black Hills with the Rapid City Chamber of Commerce, and then the South Dakota Ellsworth Development Authority. Lynn has been engaged in policy making at the state level and has led and participated in many local and statewide election campaigns. Lynn served in the United States Air Force for 10 years in the Munitions Systems career field where she was stationed at Kadena AB, Osan AB, and finally at Ellsworth AFB. Lynn received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Political Science from Black Hills State University, South Dakota, and her Master’s Degree of Organizational Leadership with an emphasis in Civic Engagement from Claremont Lincoln University. She is a graduate of Leadership Rapid City, Leadership South Dakota and has her Institute of Organizational Management designation from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Lynn is an active member of the community and currently serving on the boards of the Central States Fair Foundation, YMCA of the Black Hills, Leadership South Dakota, Dakota Resources and the Board of Trustees for Western Dakota Tech. Lynn is married to Scott Kendall. Together they have two children, Logan and Lillian. Welcome, we are so glad to have you!
New Member Lynn Kendall
2024-06-11 06:00:00Z |
Today's speaker was Dan Driscoll, Area 3 Director of the West Dakota Water Development District, sharing information and successes on several erosion projects in Rapid City /Pennington County area. Protection and improvement of water quality has been a goal of WDWDD and these erosion control projects using wattles, erosion blankets, tree limbs, and silt fences, are intended to improve water quality by reducing sediment loading. Projects discussed included Lacroix Linx, SD Mines, Raider Park, and a Flagship project North of Star Village. More information on these projects can be found at https://www.westdakotawater.com/projects
June 4, 2024 Meeting
2024-06-04 06:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was our own Mark Crosswait, sharing the Missing In Action (MIA) story of his uncle Bob: Lt. Robert L. Crosswait. Lt. Crosswait was originally in the B-25 bomber squadron, later transferring to the P-38 Fighter Squadron. He was declared MIA in 1944, having been lost in or over New Guinea on a combat mission in the Southwest Pacific Area. Mark and family members were contacted by the MIA/POW Government Agency in 2012 for DNA should they recover Lt. Crosswait. Mark and his sister Connie found additional information/documents during a 2014 MIA/POW Conference they attended. Connie prepared a Memoir booklet, which they shared, including letters home to his parents and wife. Thank you Mark for sharing as we remember, honor and mourn the Americans who have died in the country’s wars.
May 28, 2024 Meeting
2024-05-28 06:00:00Z |
The Sturgis Rotaract Club completed their park project. Thank you to all of our club members who supported the Rotaract in their fundraising efforts to complete this project.
Sturgis Rotaract Completes Park Project
2024-05-21 06:00:00Z |
Students of Distinction for Rapid City Alternative Academy were recognized at our meeting this morning by Principal Jennifer Roberts and Shawn Binder. Mr. Binder said these students were nominated because they are amazing young people, distinct in their own ways and serve as role models for the Alternative High School campus. Also pictured is Cathy Quinlivan, Rushmore Rotary's Youth Advocacy Committee. Congratulations to: 9th Grade - Tayshawn; 10th Grade - Morgan; 11th Grade - Jennavieve; 12th Grade - Gabe.  Our speaker today was our own Tanner Hart who shared his background in health care along with information about a family owned business Profile. Tanner's education includes a BS and Nurse Practitioner. He and his wife Brandy opened the doors of Profile in 2017. Tanner is the son of a physician and a nurse, so working in the medical community allowed him to help make an impact in health wellness and see changing results. As well as being an owner and manager, he provides lifestyle coaching to help individuals reach their health and wellness goals. Profile's solutions are grounded in evidence-based clinical research. Pictured with Tanner is Past President Jennifer Rollins.
May 21st Meeting
2024-05-21 06:00:00Z |
Rushmore Rotarians showed up to clean Hwy 16 today. Great work everyone!
Rotarians Clean Up Rapid City
2024-05-18 06:00:00Z |
The May social was pickleball at the YMCA. They provided all the equipment and instructions. A great time was had by all.
May Social
2024-05-16 06:00:00Z |
Today was Rotary Day - Carmen Hansen received her Paul Harris Fellow +4. Congratulations! Steve Bareis and Kevin Culhane completed their new member requirements and received their official Rotary badges. Deb Niemi shared information on The Rotary Foundation (TRF) financials. Rotary expenditures in the US total over $344 million -- with $157 million towards Polio Plus, $55 Million towards global grants and $26 million towards District Grants. Deb pointed out that Rotary International collabortes with numerous organizations including some that have connection to our club members and committees: Peace Corp, Toastmasters, and ShelterBox.
Two members gave classification talks: Mark Barry - joined our Club in 2010. He shared his passion for the Football Book committee and woodworking, which is what brought him to our Club through a fundraiser for BHCH. (Thanks to Doug Lind and Darla Crown)
Bill Spindle - joined Rotary in 1998 in Anchorage Alaska and his various career moves (Air Force Academy, Finance/Contracting and Higher Education), which eventually brought him to SD Mines and our Club. He has been very involved in Youth Exchange since his inception in Rotary.
May 14, 2024 Meeting
2024-05-15 06:00:00Z |
Rushmore Rotary serving lunch to the very best group of teachers and staff at Rapid City Alternative Academy during Teacher Appreciation Week. Roger Heacock, Mike Fuller, Rene Sorenson, Shari West-Twitero and Carmen Hansen.
RC Academy Teacher Appreciation Lunch
2024-05-09 06:00:00Z |
Today’s meeting was at the new Black Hills Children’s Home Society campus on US 16 in Rapid City. We heard from Mark Niemeyer, CAO, who heads the building project. They are moving all facets of the CHS under one roof to include the advocacy center, operations and the school/residence facilities. They will also open a new outpatient therapy center. They are also looking at a day school that will take Rapid City students that need special attention. For more information on the CHS please visit www.chssd.org.
May 7, 2024 Meeting
2024-05-07 06:00:00Z |
Rotarians are heading to Tanzania in June and we are looking for donations for The School of St. Jude. See the lists above for ideas. Please bring the items to the May 14th club meeting. Keep in mind the items must fit in the groups checked luggage.
School of St. Jude Donation Items Needed
2024-05-04 06:00:00Z |
Our local winner of the 4-Way Test contest, Alivia Richman, won 2nd place in the District 5610 contest. Rushmore Rotarians went to Southwest Middle School to present her award. Congratulations on this huge accomplishment!
District 4-Way Test Essay Contest
2024-05-02 06:00:00Z |
The Sturgis Rotaract club is moving forward on their music in the park project. This is a picture of the concrete all set and they are in the process of purchasing the equipment pieces to install. They have been fundraising for several years , so this is a really exciting step for this little club!
Sturgis Rotaract Project Update
2024-04-30 06:00:00Z |
Today we met at the Rehabilitation and Critical Care Hospital of the Black Hills. CEO Kyle Richards and VP Mark Longacre spoke to us about this new and much needed facility here in the black hills. It opened 1/8/24 and provides inpatient rehabilitation and critical care. They serve patients with the goal of returning to live in their homes. Thank you for the tour of this beautiful facility. You can get more information at www.rcchblackhills.com.
April 30, 2024 Meeting
2024-04-30 06:00:00Z |
Clean Up Rapid City took place on Saturday, April 27th. Several Rushmore Rotarians came out to help clean up trash. Great job all!
Clean Up Rapid City Day
2024-04-27 06:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Dr. Cheryl Chapman, Executive Director of West Dakota Regional Water System. Dr. Chapman gave us an update on the Missouri River water project which is working to bring bulk water from the Missouri river to western SD. They are currently working on use and availability studies along with fundraising. With our growth, in dry years we are not able to meet demand. For more information please visit www.wdrws.org.
April 23, 2024 Meeting
2024-04-23 06:00:00Z |
We are looking for host families for our new Youth Exchange high school inbound student, a boy from Thailand by the name of Peach Tancharoam. He is a 16-year old looking forward to learning all about America and the Black Hills. If you are interested in hosting him for part of the year, call Bill Spindle at 907-227-4970 or email him at William.spindle@sdsmt.edu.
Host Families Needed for 2024-2025 School Year
2024-04-16 06:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Dave Snyder, author and founder of Pathways Spiritual Sanctuary in Lead, SD. He created Pathways in 2010 as a free space set aside to be a quiet, peaceful, sacred place to walk, read, write, contemplate. It is open Memorial weekend through mid October, weather permitting. For more information please visit www.pathwaysspiritualsanctuary.org.
April 16, 2024 Meeting
2024-04-16 06:00:00Z |
Today we welcomed Olivia, the first place winner of the 6th grade 4-way test essay contest from South West Middle School. She read her winning essay, which was excellent! Above is the 2nd place winner and the two that tied for third. Great job!
6th Grade 4-Way Test Essay Contest
2024-04-16 06:00:00Z |
Jon Cass received his member badge today after completing the new member requirements. Congratulations! STORY BOOK ISLAND UPDATE  Malory Hook, the new Executive Director for Story Book Island gave us an update on the park. In 2023 The Christmas Light Nights raised $187,000. A new Santa’s workshop was added. The Winnie the Pooh Tree Gala raised $39,000, bringing the total raised to $461,000.The 2024 season opens May 25th. It is the 65th season. There will be adult fun nights, new decorations and photo ops. They will also have $1 train ride nights. The birthday house will also reopen for rentals. Mark your calendars for August 16th. That will be the park’s 65th birthday celebration. Club committees Rene Sorenson introduced all the club’s committees and their chairpersons to help new and older members get information on how they can be involved.
April 9, 2024 Meeting
2024-04-09 06:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Dr. Eric Zimmer, Director of Philanthropy for the Black Hills Area Community Foundation. Founded in 1987, they support other non-profits by coordinating their needs. They help with set up, grant making, alignment with donors and offer administration support. With $60 million in assets they have been able to give $35 million in assets to the community. For more information on this vital group go to www.bhacf.org.
April 2, 2024 Meeting
2024-04-02 06:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Alysala Malik, daughter of fellow Rushmore Rotarian April Malik and a 3rd year medical school student. She gave an incredible talk about her concern for the large amounts of commercial food waste versus the high numbers of food insecure people. In college she got involved with collecting excess food from dorms, stores, and restaurants to give to the food insecure. This led her to apply and receive a Watson Fellowship which allowed her to conduct independent exploration of this subject outside the U.S. for 1 year. In her year she visited France, India, Nepal and spent 3 months in Madagascar. She lived among the food insecure and worked with groups trying to help. She was able to see different solutions and a need for long term solutions by meeting and talking with the local people to find out the whys. Infrastructure, education in farming and clean water were often the long term solutions. Thank you for such a great topic and impactful talk.
March 26, 2024 Meeting
2024-03-26 06:00:00Z |
Today we welcomed the winners of the 4-Way Test essay contest from the Rapid City Alternative Academy. The essays covered how the Rotary 4-Way Test can be instilled in our lives and in school. 4th place- Lexi Herman -$200 3rd place- Hunter Johnson -$300 2nd place- Talia Miller -$400 1st place- Geannavieve Weitzel who received a plaque and $500. The winning essay was read to us. What an impressive essay! Congratulations to all!
RC Alternative Academy 4-Way Test essay winners
2024-03-19 06:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Ronda Gusinsky, Executive Director of Life Sight. Life Sight has been in Rapid City for 30 years and provides free vision screening for those who don’t have access or means to eye health exams. Their goal is to protect and restore vision. Most insurance, including Medicare does not cover eye exams. Under the Kids First vision screening program they go into schools and do a free screening for the kids up to 5th grade. They also do screenings as young as 6 months. If any vision issues are detected a copy is given to the parents so they can have an eye exam done. There are vouchers for income based needs. So far they have screened over 57,000 kids throughout the black hills. Life Sight also helps adults get eye care so they can maintain an independent lifestyle. They are looking for volunteers to help scan at the schools. For more information please visit their website www.lifesightsd.org  Congratulations to Scott Van Dam and Mark Barry on receiving their Paul Harris Fellow +3.
March 19, 2024 Meeting
2024-03-19 06:00:00Z |
We received letters from our sponsored students at The School of St. Jude, Hilary Mathew and Princess Sillass Mollel. It’s great to see how wonderful they are doing.
Letters From School of St. Jude Students
2024-03-17 06:00:00Z |
 Welcome to our newest member, Mikaela Leners. She received her Rotary pin and 4-Way Test plaque today. Mikaela graduated cum laude from Iowa State University with a major in physics and minors in astronomy, biology, and English. After concluding that oil field work was too dangerous, Mikaela began teaching. She has taught in most school types: a parochial boarding school in New Hampshire, an all girls private school in Pennsylvania, a public school in the frontier of Utah, a classical academy in Florida and an online school. She currently teaches remote by contract to schools without a classroom teacher. With educator endorsements in math, physics, chemistry and general science, she has taught over 18 different courses including math grade 6, observational astronomy and trigonometry based physics. She has taken advantage of her time off in the summer to work as a backcountry ranger for Glacier National Park and to become a wilderness emergency medical technician. Outside of the classroom, she mentors undergraduate students and volunteers at the humane society. In addition, she spends a lot of time hiking in the backcountry. For example, last summer, she foraged over 55 pounds of wild red raspberries.
New Member Mikaela Leners
2024-03-12 06:00:00Z |
Congratulations to Jeff Kingsbury who received his Paul Harris Fellow today. Today was Rotary day. We had a wonderful presentation from fellow Rotarians Roger Heacock, his wife Chris and Janet Kahler on their 3 week Rotary Friendship trip to India. 13 Rotarians and family traveled to India and were exquisitely hosted by the Rapid City Rotary Club’s sister club, the Rotary Club of Madras. Flags were exchanged and they visited some of their bigger projects in the area. They were also taken sight seeing and shopping along with beautifully hosted receptions. Thank you to Ashok Kumar, Mike & Vasti Gibson, and Carol Johnson from the noon club for joining us this morning to share this wonderful trip.
March 12, 2024 Meeting
2024-03-12 06:00:00Z |
Whiteclay Makerspace Visit
2024-03-11 06:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Nick Van Dyne, Program Coordinator for TeamMates Mentoring Program of Rapid City. Their mission is to positively impact the world by inspiring Students to reach their full potential through mentoring. Teammates was founded in 1991 by coach Tom Osborne and his wife Nancy. They are in 192+ school districts in 5 states. They came to Rapid City in 2019 and are currently in 9 schools with 62 matches. Mentoring has led to improvement in grades, attendance, and fewer disciplinary issues. 98% of their students graduate high school and TeamMates also offers scholarships to mentees. They are always looking for mentors. If you would like to volunteer or need more information you can find them on Facebook at Rapid City TeamMates, or their webpage: chapters.teammates.org/chapters/rapid-city.
March 5, 2024 Meeting
2024-03-05 07:00:00Z |
Our annual children’s Home Society Gala fundraiser was Saturday night at the Holiday Inn Downtown. Thank you to our emcee Darla Crown and auctioneer Jeff Kingsbury for a fun and successful night. Guests were quite generous during the auctions raising $75,000! We were entertained by the wonderful Craig Karges and his amazing tricks and demonstrations. Thank you to all who attended and so generously donated to support the advocacy center.
2024 Children’s Home Gala
2024-03-03 07:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was our own past president Jennifer Rollins, coach for the Black Hills Ski Team. Jennifer shared her past experience as a ski racer growing up and for the US Air Force Academy. She also went back to racing after she retired from the USAF until a knee injury ended her career. 2 years ago she became a certified ski coach and volunteers coaching the Black Hills Ski Team. She teaches the kids racing techniques and prepares them for competition. She was joined by racer Carter who shared his experience skiing and racing. For more information you can visit their website www.bhskiteam.com.
February 27, 2024 Meeting
2024-02-27 07:00:00Z |
Our social this month was bingo at the VFW in Rapid City. It was a great time! Thank you Heidi for your bingo calling skills and Ron for keeping us honest.
February 2024 Social
2024-02-21 07:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Judith Kennedy with West River Resettlement. They have been bringing in Ukrainian refugees to Rapid City since early 2023. They help find sponsors, housing and jobs for these refugees. There are more on the way and they are always looking for sponsors and funds for housing. If you would like to help or want more information please visit www.westriverresettlement.org.
February 20, 2024 Meeting
2024-02-20 07:00:00Z |
Welcome to our 3 newest members.
Tanner Hart
Tanner grew up in Norfolk, Nebraska. Also the hometown of Johnny Carson. He then attended SDSU in Brookings and graduated in 2011 with his Bachelor's of Science in Nursing. From there, he practiced as a nurse in the hospital setting for six years in Sioux Falls before transitioning to Rapid City in 2017 to pursue opening Profile. Tanner manages all day-to-day operations for the location as well as works with individuals 1:1 as a Health Coach. Tanner is married to his beautiful bride Brandi and has two sons Dempsey(8) and Summit(4). In his spare time Tanner enjoys hunting, fishing, hiking, and pretty much anything to do with the outdoors and his family. He is excited to connect with other members of the Rotary and make a positive impact on our community. Hoodie Smock Hoodie was born in Ft. Riley, KS. the spoiled only child of Louise & Lt. Richard Smock. Her father was killed during the Korean Conflict. She and her mother moved to Spearfish, SD where her maternal grandparents lived and Spearfish became home base. Her mother decided that she wanted her to see as much of the world as possible (at least as much of the part of the world that interested her) so she overcame her fear of flying and after she finished her degrees she took jobs that allowed them to travel to Japan, Guam and South America. But Spearfish and Black Hills State University were always home base for them. She eventually graduated from Black Hills State University with a BS in Speech w/ Theater . She worked in professional dinner theater for several years. Hoodie got a Masters in Speech Pathology and worked in the Kansas and Wyoming school systems. Eventually she went back to get a Masters in Counseling and worked as a School Counselor in Eagle Butte, SD. Eventually she decided to go back and get a Masters in Social Work and eventually moved back to Spearfish and worked as a Medical Social Worker with the Hospice of the Northern Hills. She retired in 2016. Yes my friends I have three Masters degrees and no doctorate - my sanity is in question. She moved to West Hills Village in Rapid City on September 30th 2021. She has some family in Saint Paul, NE but most of her family is on one coast or the other. She has a lot of wonderful friends. Hoodie also has a Havanese named Kona Lou who has not read the literature on Havanese dogs and doesn’t know that the breed doesn’t bark (she does) and is a lap dog (she isn’t). She loves to do theatre and was very active in Spearfish. She hopes to get more active here in Rapid City. Kara Flynn Kara moved to Rapid City in 2006 with her husband Leo and sons Leo, Kelley and Nathaniel. She was born and raised in Sioux Falls and holds a BA in Latin American Studies from UW Madison and an MS in Geography from SDSU. After staying home to raise her sons for many years, Kara returned to work as the Executive Director of the Rapid City Public School Foundation, served on the RCAS School Board and chaired the signage and volunteer committees for the 2020 school bond. She is currently the Director of Development for Children’s Home Foundation and serves on the boards of Friends of South Dakota Public Broadcasting and Black Hills Community Theater. Her son Leo attends the University of Montana in Missoula and Nathaniel will graduate from Stevens HS this year. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, skiing, camping and cooking. She is a former member of the singing group TRASH and still believes that “Laughter cures what ails you!”
New Members February 2024
2024-02-13 07:00:00Z |
Today was Rotary Day. Jennifer Rollins was presented with a Paul Harris Fellow +4. Congratulations! We welcomed 3 new members today, Tanner Hart, Kara Flynn and Hoodie Smock. They received their Rotary pins and 4-Way Test plaques. Help welcome them to Rushmore Rotary! Pat Sutliff, International Projects chair, presented information on The School of St. Jude in Tanzania. Our club sponsors 3 students and we are in need of support for 2 of the students, Furahini and Princess. I takes $220/mo. To sponsor each student. If you would like to contribute towards these 2 scholarships in any amount please contact Pat Sutliff for information. pmsutliff@gmail.com.
February 13, 2024 Meeting
2024-02-13 07:00:00Z |
 Our speaker this week was Genevieve Osborn, first female from South Dakota to officiate a State Class AA Football Championship. Genevieve shared her background story of adversity living on Pine Ridge Reservation, and dealing with jurisdictional and custody battles that caused her to move and attend several different schools over a span of 12 years. She admits that the adversity, hard work and setting goals helped to get where she is today. Her introduction into officiating began in 2012 when she was asked to officiate basketball by a middle school colleague. Her officiating resume is impressive as a female, but also part of the 1st indigenous all female crew to work the AA high school game (2018) and 1st State Basketball Tournament (2019); 1st all female crew at a RMAC college game (2020); and officiated at a championship game as crew chief on the 50th anniversary of Title IX. In 2023 she was asked to officiate football and after five camps, she became the first female in the history of South Dakota to officiate at a class 9 AA high school football championship. While being the first woman to officiate a football championship was special, she wants to be judged on her skills and looks forward to every opportunity to help women break barriers. She is employed as a public accountant and can be seen officiating at many high school and college basketball games in South Dakota.
February 6 Meeting - Genevieve Osborn
2024-02-07 07:00:00Z |
Our meeting today was at the Black Hills Stock Show & Rodeo. It runs through Saturday, February 3rd at the Monument. The stock show has a large economic impact on this area. The competitions help set the market for auction. Our Speaker was Justin Tupper, President of the U.S. Cattleman’s Association and owner of St. Onge Livestock. He answered a lot of questions pertaining to the beef industry, and challenges facing it today. See the full schedule of events for the stock show at www.blackhillsstockshow.com.
January 30, 2024 Meeting
2024-01-30 07:00:00Z |
Our January social was at the Minneluzahan Senior Center. Bunko was the game, thank you Larry Steven’s for explaining the rules.
January 2024 Social
2024-01-26 07:00:00Z |
R.L.I. Workshop
2024-01-23 07:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Amy Sazue, Executive Director of the Remembering the Children Memorial in Rapid City, SD. This memorial will honor the discovered location of unmarked graves of children from the Indian Boarding School which operated in west Rapid City from 1898-1933. The land has been put into trust to protect it. The memorial, which will be placed this fall, will be there to acknowledge, educate and help heal this piece of history. For more information on this important project visit: www.rememberingthechildren.org.
January 23, 2024 Meeting
2024-01-23 07:00:00Z |
Today we recognized the Rapid City Alternative Academy 1st semester students of distinction. Each winner received a $50 Walmart card. Rushmore Rotarians will also throw a doughnut party for them at the school at 9:45 this morning. Congratulations to these outstanding students!
R C Alternative Academy students of distinction
2024-01-23 07:00:00Z |
 Rotary Action Fund (RAF) was created in 2020 to help children and families in crisis access resources to meet their immediate and urgent needs.
The fund was established after talking to Connie Olson, Chief Development Director at Youth & Family Services (YFS). Connie shared that a number of the families served by YFS who are facing ruinous situations can often be kept from homelessness, severe hunger, or other hardships simply be receiving a small, one-time financial gift. Although YFS offers a variety of services and programs to support families—especially families from low-income homes—organizational funding is most often restricted to support programming and not available to assist with families’ personal crises. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, YFS began seeing a significant increase of families facing these difficult situations. Not only were families facing circumstances that were more troublesome but the number of families experiencing them also increased. In an effort to help these families, Dr. Ashok Kumar from Rapid City Rotary and Dr. Willis Sutliff from Rushmore Rotary, decided to “pass the hat” to see if we could collect enough money to help some of these families. We were delighted when more than $14,000 was raised for this effort. These funds made a tremendous impact during the COVID-19 pandemic. Funds from this initial collection lasted nearly a year and a half and garnered great results. In an effort to continue this support, the two Rotary Clubs applied for a joint Rotary 5610 District Grant. Each of the clubs raised an additional $2,000 dollars for a total of $4,000 which was then matched through the grant, giving us $8,000 to utilize over the next Rotary year. Again, we saw great results from these funds. Although those funds have been utilized, it is our goal to carry on this programming to continue supporting families in need. Currently, the RAF is continuing through the generous support of Rotarians. If you would like to donate to the Rotary Action Fund to help children and families in crises, please contact Rotarians Willis Sutliff, Dave Dolan, Linda Peterson, Ashok Kumar, or Connie Olson at Youth & Family Services, 605-342-4195. Donations can go directly to YFS attention RAFund.
YFS Rotary Action Fund
2024-01-20 07:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Rapid City Mayor Jason Salamun. He has been in office 6 months now and addressed his vision and goals for Rapid City. Our city is an amazing destination, but he wants it to remain a great place to raise a family. There are many opportunities with new businesses relocating here. We are also experiencing unprecedented growth so new housing is trying to catch up, and water usage is being addressed. Updates and expansions to our system are in the works. The city is also working with many community groups to address homelessness and keep people safe. He believes as we grow we need to be better before bigger.
January 16, 2024 Meeting
2024-01-16 07:00:00Z |
Hope to see you all there supporting this wonderful organization.
2024-01-13 07:00:00Z |
Today was Rotary Day. We heard from Pat Sutliff on the Rotary Friendship Exchange last fall to India. A group from our district traveled to India and were graciously hosted by district 3120. They toured temples, attended lots of Rotary meetings, visited schools and medical clinics that were helped by our global grants, and ate a lot of wonderful food. If you are interested in going on a friendship exchange or want more information go to rotary.org. #district5610 #RotaryFriendshipExchange
January 9, 2024 Meeting
2024-01-09 07:00:00Z |
Today was a working meeting. We were joined by Taylor McCarty, LOSS team program director with Journey On. We stuffed kid and teen care bags for the LOSS Team. They are a non-profit supporting individuals and families who experience trauma due to suicide. They go to the scene with law enforcement to help families deal with the suicide, give comfort kits to the kids and teens. They also assist with the details involved and follow the family for a year. They depend on grants from Rapid City and fundraising donations. For more information go to their facebook page, Facebook/journey on-LOSS Team.
January 2, 2024 Meeting
2024-01-02 07:00:00Z |
At our meeting on December 19th, the following slate of officers were nominated and approved: - Roger Heacock (President-elect 2024-2025)
- Mary Kenner (Secretary 2024-2026)
- Kyle Bargmann (Director 2024-2026) (Note: This will be Kyle’s 2nd 2-year term)
- Debra Niemi (Director 2024-2026)
- Rene Sorenson (Director 2024-2025) (Note: Rene will serve the final year of Roger Heacock’s unexpired 2-year term when he becomes President-Elect July 1, 2024)
2024-2025 Officers
2023-12-28 07:00:00Z |
Thank You Letter from Denmark Friendship Exchange
2023-12-20 07:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Dr. Weasel, a general surgeon at Monument Health and enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, and first Native American to summit Mt. Everest. He shared his life lessons and experiences climbing Mt. Everest in 2023. Climbing Mount Everest was challenging and complicated as he made his way to basecamp and the four camps, as well as the process of ascending and descending. Dr. Weasel was reminded of his own mortality and desire to keep gratitude at the forefront of all he does and is. It taught him that unsurmountable things can be accomplished one step at a time. He shared stories of the extreme temperatures, avalanches, ice storms, “death zone”, crevices, high winds, and experiencing hallucinations. He shared the unique and emotional experience of the “field of cairns”, a memorial field to those who have lost their lives on Everest. Dr. Weasel enjoyed time with other climbers, visited a local school and connected with an OBGYN clinic while in Nepal. He was gifted an “eagle feather” from his Tribe to place at the Top of Everest as a symbolic gesture for the Lakota and indigenous people around the world. To learn more about his climb and his other climbing goals, see Monument Health Magazine https://magazine.monument.health/article/on-top-of-the-world. 
December 19 Meeting Dr. Jacob Weasel – Mt. Everest Expedition
2023-12-19 07:00:00Z |
Our December social Christmas party was Wednesday night at the fairgrounds. Great fun and fellowship. Everyone brought wonderful food and wore their fun Christmas shirts. There was a rousing game of trivia along with a white elephant gift exchange. Merry Christmas everyone!
December Social/Christmas Party
2023-12-14 07:00:00Z |
Welcome to our newest member Erin Erickson. Today she received her Rotary Pin and 4 Way Test plaque. Give her a warm Rushmore Rotary welcome. Here is Erin’s bio: Hi all. My name is Erin Erickson and I was born and raised here in Rapid City, SD. I adore the Black Hills and my husband Noah and I have a large, blended family including children ranging from 2 yrs to 21 yrs. old. I am passionate about BE-ing present and value connection with others. I am a self proclaimed life-long-learner, and enjoy innovative ideas. I am the pastor at First Congregational UCC in Rapid City and have an MDiv in Interfaith Chaplaincy from United Theological Seminary (in the Twin Cities). My undergrad was from Colorado State University.
New Member Erin Erickson
2023-12-12 07:00:00Z |
Congratulations to Shari West-Twitero for earning her Paul Harris Fellow +8 and Scott Van Dam for earning his Paul Harris Fellow +4.
2 More Paul Harris Fellows Awarded
2023-12-12 07:00:00Z |
Our 50/50 Queen of Hearts drawing has been going on for quite some time without a winner. Finally Cathy Quinlivan won the pot last week-$836!! Congratulations 🎊
Queen of Hearts Drawing Winner
2023-12-12 07:00:00Z |
Today was Rotary day and we heard from club members Roger Heacock and Scott Van Dam on their trip to the Rotary International Convention last May in Melbourne, Australia. They shared highlights of the trip which included the House of Friendship. Here they met numerous Rotarians from around the world and learned of the many projects being done by Rotary clubs. The general sessions had fantastic music & entertainment along with informative speakers. The convention also had numerous breakout sessions to learn about Rotary projects, world issues, and human issues. They and their families also explored Melbourne and all its beauty including the Rotary Peace Park and flower garden. International conventions are a must do for Rotarians. They are high energy and a chance to meet and learn about club members from all around the world. Next year’s convention is in Singapore. For more information visit rotary.org.
December 12, 2023 Meeting
2023-12-12 07:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was our own Carmen Hansen. She shared her insight on the Vucurevich Foundation speaker series process. The speaker series began in 1993 as a way to give to the rest of the community that doesn’t utilize the foundations grants. They have brought incredible speakers to Rapid City such as Carl Sagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Colin Powell to name a few. Ticket prices are $7 for adults and $3 for students. They limit the number each person can buy to make it available to more people. When choosing a speaker they look at current relevance, community interest, and relatability. The board makes final approval. To get more information on upcoming speakers and the John T. Vucurevich Foundation visit jtvf.org or the John T. Vucurevich Foundation facebook page.
December 5, 2023 Meeting
2023-12-05 07:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Bud Gusso, Executive Director of Operational Support Services for the Douglas School District. They are a small school district that is growing quickly due to Ellsworth AFB B21 expansion plan, City of Box Elder growth, and regional growth. They have a strategic plan to address this issue which includes 3 new pk-5 schools, converting the current high school to a 2nd middle school and a new high school. Funding the buildings is a big challenge they face.
November 28, 2023 Meeting
2023-11-28 07:00:00Z |
Rushmore Rotarians got busy this month building a float for Rapid City’s Festival of Lights Parade November 25, 2023. Great job team!
Rushmore Rotary Float
2023-11-26 07:00:00Z |
At today’s meeting Linda Peterson was presented with the Rotary Foundation’s Major Donor status award. Thank you for your great generosity allowing so many people around the world to be helped. Our speaker today was Leland Breedlove, COO of Sodakian Servant Warriors. They are an organization working in community safety along with helping veterans and first responders by providing a mission and community. They provide security service jobs such as Thursday Nights downtown and Sturgis. They also work teaching firearm safety classes to help gun owners in our community be safe and responsible. Future plans include a community center/shooting range for veterans and first responders to have a place to go and be in community, teach classes and receive access to local assistance, and enjoy time with family and neighbors . Visit Sodakian.org and sodakian.com for more information .
November 21, 2023 Meeting
2023-11-21 07:00:00Z |
Rushmore Rotarians came out Friday to decorate the Rotary gazebo at Storybook Island. Don’t miss Christmas Nights of Lights at the park 5:30-8:30 pm November 24, 25, 26 and December 1-3, 8-23. $4 per person.
Decorating The Rotary gazebo at SBI
2023-11-18 07:00:00Z |
Past President and Miss Veteran America 2RU Jennifer Rollins participated in the Rapid City Veterans Day Parade. Our speaker today was Callie Tysdal, Communications Director for the John T. Vucurevich Foundation. She shared with us what they do and what they fund. The foundation was set up to make sure the Rapid City community was supported. They currently manage 63 grants worth $27 million. Next year will mark $100 million invested in the local community. About $8 million/year is given to help low income families in Rapid City through affordable housing, early learning, economic mobility, and basic needs. They are working hard to educate the public about these needs and also partner with other groups to make this happen. A new 3-year trial program to partner with employers and families to make child care affordable is under way. To get more details on the foundation and their giving visit www.jtvf.org.
November 14, 2023 Meeting
2023-11-14 07:00:00Z |
Today was Rotary day. We were privileged to have our District 5610 Governor Rich Burns and his wife Kelly visiting our club today. He Brought gifts for our District representatives and presented flags for district awards we received last year for 100% foundation giving, 100% participation in every Rotarian every year to the foundation, number 1 club in foundation giving, and polio plus giving. Nice work Rushmore Rotary! He also shared his goals for this Rotary year. Founation: Half of foundation giving comes ack to the district as grants. We will have less money to work with this year by about $30,000. We need to get more clubs in the district to support the Rotary Foundation annual fund. Polio Plus: 19 of the 35 clubs in the district contribute to Polio Plus. We are so close to ending Polio that we can’t quit now. We need to get these 26 clubs involved. Public Image: The district website is being revamped to include videos and more exciting content. Check it out at district5610.org DG Burns is also putting out a food challenge to all our clubs. Food 4 the Holidays-A $500 pop up district grant is available to clubs 11/13/23-01/01/24 to partner with local groups to support food assistance.  Don’t forget to bring donations for the elder tree to meetings through December 8th.
November 7, 2023 Meeting
2023-11-07 07:00:00Z |
At our meeting today two Rushmore Rotarians were presented with Paul Harris Fellows. Kim Nearhood +1, Willis Sutliff +5. Thank you for your Rotary Foundation support. Our District Governor Elect and member Bruce Nearhood gave his classification talk and updated us on his conference next year, October 3-6, at the Holiday Inn Downtown Rapid City. It’s going to be a fantastic conference so make sure you attend. And last but not least, Dave Dolan came dressed for Halloween!
October 31, 2023 Meeting
2023-10-31 06:00:00Z |
Rushmore Rotary’s own Darla Crown is a finalist for the NASCAR Foundation Humanitarian Award. Her selection has already earned Youth and Family Services $25,000, which will go toward their inclusive playground. If she wins, YFS will get an additional $75,000! You can support Darla in all her great volunteerism and YFS by voting daily for her to win. Just scan the QR code to go directly to the site: www.NASCARfoundation.org/award Great job Darla!
Darla Crown up for NASCAR Foundation Award
2023-10-26 06:00:00Z |
Today is World Polio Day. In recognition our membership wore red to support the Polio Plus campaign. We also auctioned off 3 club polo shirts for Polio Plus. $235 was raised.  Our speaker today was Connie Olson, Chief Development Officer for Youth and Family Services. She reported on the families that were helped through Rotary’s matching grant. The funds allowed YFS to help with immediate food & clothing needs of families in crisis. YFS also has many programs for families and children like a child development center, counseling, family support and advocacy services, Girls Inc., and Head Start. Visit youthandfamilyservices.org for more information.
October 24, 2023 Meeting
2023-10-24 06:00:00Z |
Our October social was Rotoberfest at Lost Cabin Beer Co. Mary Kenner made pretzel necklaces for all to wear. A great time!
October Rotoberfest Social
2023-10-24 06:00:00Z |
After 35 Years, Polio’s Cornered-We Must Finish the Job Rotary and its partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative have made great strides to reduce polio cases by 99.9% worldwide over the past 35 years, and we’ve reduced the circulation of wild polio to Pakistan and Afghanistan. That’s why as we approach this World Polio Day on 24 October, as Rotary members, we are pleased to recognize this progress. However, I ask everyone to help us finish the job and end polio for good to ensure that this paralyzing disease does not return to polio-free countries, putting children everywhere at risk. From encouraging vaccine acceptance, to sharing factual vaccination information, to calling on elected officials to fund polio eradication, there are so many ways in which we can each support polio eradication efforts. We must all do our part to prevent polio outbreaks in our own communities and continue the march toward global eradication. We have an opportunity to make history by ending polio, which will be only the second human disease ever to be eradicated, and the time for action is now--visit endpolio.org to learn more about how you can get involved.
World Polio Day October 24th
2023-10-23 06:00:00Z |
The 2022-2023 award was given to our own Carmen Hansen!
The award honors the memory of Roger Kozak, who distinguished himself as a servant leader in his home town of Vermillion, SD, where he served on the city council for seven years and as Mayor for three years. He died August 1, 2012. In recognition of exceptional service to Rotarians in Rotary District 5610. This award honors the memory of Roger L. Kozak, long-time member of the Vermillion Rotary Club, who served as District Governor, 2009-10, and who distinguished himself as an exceptional servant leader.”
Carmen is a true servant leader. We are proud of her accomplishments and tireless work for our club and the district. We wish her a well deserved congratulations!
2022-2023 Roger Kozak Award Winner
2023-09-30 06:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Mary Zimmerman from the Norbeck Society. She gave a very interesting talk about forest management and natural disasters which affect the forest. She shared concerns that there is more logging being done in the Black Hills that may be sustainable. She encouraged us to engage in caring for our forest and to contact our representatives with concerns or comments.
September 26, 2023 meeting
2023-09-27 06:00:00Z |
Meet our newest member, John Cass. John has had the privilege of serving as the Executive Director for the United Way of the Black Hills. He is a native of South Dakota growing up in Pierre, SD. He went to Moorhead, St. Paul, and Minneapolis in Minnesota for both his BA and Masters. He has a diverse work background—14 years farming (WEST RIVER), almost 9 years in the Army and Army National Guard, College football coach, 26-years traveling the globe for ministry, 3 years working with Blue Cross Blue Shield and just for the heck of it, Interim museum director for the South Dakota National Guard Museum in Pierre. I has three grown children spread out across the US. He enjoys volunteering, riding his Harley—on road and off, biking and reading. Welcome John!
New member John Cass
2023-09-13 06:00:00Z |
September 12, 2023 meeting
2023-09-13 06:00:00Z |
Feeding South Dakota volunteers
2023-09-13 06:00:00Z |
Our meeting today was at the fair hosted by our own Ron Jeffries. Attendance is high this year with lots of great entertainment including concerts and rodeo. We heard from Dani who runs the new South Dakota Ag-Ventures building which offers education on agriculture. There are many fun interactive stations to learn about SD agriculture including VR, tractor simulator, videos and puzzles. Come check it out while you’re at the fair. We also received our new Rotary year banner. Create Hope in the World.
August 22, 2023 meeting
2023-08-22 06:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Miranda O’Bryan, Miss South Dakota 2023. Miranda is originally from Martin and a South Dakota girl through and through. She is a graduate of South Dakota State University (BA Journalism and History), and worked as a news anchor for KOTA Territory News/KEVN Black Hills FOX. Her presentation included information about the Miss SD competition as well as her community service initiative entitled “Page Turners: Fall in Love with Reading.” Miranda shared that she has competed locally in competitions over the last five years and has earned over $25,000 in scholarships, which she will use to further her education. She will compete on the Miss America Stage. She described the five stages of competition for Miss South Dakota: Evening Gown, Talent, Private Interview, Fitness (new in 2023), and On-Stage Question. Part of her community service initiative on Literacy involves access, education and representation. She has traveled across South Dakota and the US sharing her initiative which involves building and placing little libraries. She has collected over 10,000 books. She is into her second season of a podcast focused on literacy. She recently finished writing a children’s book “Jericho the Journalism Kitty” based on her cat “Jericho”. We wish this delightful young woman success in the Miss America pageant! New Member – Francie FortuneWelcome to our newest member Francie Fortune. She is Executive Director for SunCatcher Therapeutic Riding Academy. She is a native of our South Dakota grasslands, growing up near Interior and Belvidere, continuing five generations of ranching alongside three brothers. A non-traditional graduate of BHSU, her work background includes ranch management, editor and publisher for SD State Poetry Society, multiple sales/marketing and support roles, and diverse health care experience. Her greatest joy is spending time with her three grown sons Grady, Garrett, and Gage, and their precious wives. Outside of work, she loves playing in the yard and garden with her partner Christopher Montileaux, hiking, riding her Indian Scout, writing, and creating a joyful ruckus wherever she can.
August 15th Meeting
2023-08-15 06:00:00Z |
Congratulations to the following members who received Paul Harris Fellows this morning. The Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. The Rotary Foundation helps Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty. Willis Sutliff (+6), Ron Jeffries (+4), Jeff Meyer (+3), Darla Crown (+3), Cindy Howell (+2), Terri Davis (+2), Bill Spindle (+2), Jim McAnn (+1) and Marcia Whiting (+1). Tiffany Gikling provided an update on fundraising for The 100 Acre Woods, one of two larger projects Storybook Island has undertaken in the last two years. The goal for the Winnie the Pooh project is $600,000 The park is hoping to finalize fundraising by year end (2023) and made a request to our Club to help meet that goal. Michael Steve announced that the Board of Rushmore Rotary approved a $20,000 contribution to The 100 Acre Woods. Thank you Tiffany for your hard work as President of the SBI Board of Directors. Football Book Fundraiser: The drawing for members who have turned in/sold at least 8 books was won by Deb Niemi. Congratulations--Keep those sales going. Social Event Planning: The committee organized a planning event during today's meeting -- encouraging each group to come up with an idea for an upcoming social, including planning and organizing the event. Several great ideas emerged -- STAY TUNED!
Rotary Day Meeting August 8th
2023-08-08 06:00:00Z |
This years Children’s Home Society golf tournament at Arrowhead was a huge success! $72,000 was raised for the advocacy center and a great day of golfing and fun was had by all. Michelle Lavallee, CEO and Jon Mammenga, CPO from the CHS accepted the giant check at the August 1st club meeting. Thank you to all the volunteers and sponsors who make this possible.
2023 CHS Golf Tournament
2023-08-01 06:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was John Cass, the new Executive Director for the United Way of the Black Hills. He talked about their direction to raise money to help non profits do what they do. They are focused on recognizing community needs and making it better. September is the Month of Caring so volunteers are needed along with suggestions for projects. Visit unitedwayblackhills.org for more information.
August 1, 2023 Meeting
2023-08-01 06:00:00Z |
Vermont district project with Oglala Lakota Schools
2023-07-25 06:00:00Z |
Our Speaker today was Domico Rodriguez, Executive Director of Rapid City Sports Commission. They strive to be a positive economic force that enhances the quality of life in the Rapid City area through exhilarating sporting events. The RCSC is working on growing Rapid City’s youth sports and upping the competition to bring teams in along with bidding and hosting regional events. They are working on new facility funding, utilizing and improving current facilities and having access to them, a field house development, and a trails master plan. Rapid City needs community engagement, funding, growing off season sports and a clear plan for growth. For more information and sports schedules go to rcsportscommission.com
July 25, 2023 Meeting
2023-07-25 06:00:00Z |
We had a visiting Rotarian today, Stefan from Romania. He was the founder of his club of 22 members. Flags were exchanged. Welcome to Rapid City. It's football book time again! We are selling 2200 books this year. Proceeds fund our projects and help with club expenses. You can turn in your money and stubs as you go. There will be 3 drawings for prizes: 1st is for those that sell 8 books in 2 weeks with the drawing 8/2. 2nd is for every 10 you sell you are entered, drawing 9/5. 3rd will be for top sellers(25+). Please let Catherine Quinilivan know if you're having trouble selling some books so she can find help. Remember to turn in the stubs with the information LEGIBLE!
July 18, 2023 Meeting
2023-07-18 06:00:00Z |
 We had an outstanding picnic and attended the musical comedy The Drowsy Chaperone at the Black Hills Playhouse in Custer State Park. It starred our own Jeff Kingsbury as the man in chair. He was hilarious. Great job! If you haven’t seen it, get out there. Blackhillsplayhouse.com. Thank you Jean Cline for getting all the food there.
Social at Black Hills Playhouse
2023-07-16 06:00:00Z |
Today was our new president, Michael Steve’s first meeting. Welcome to the new Rotary year. The Rotarian of the Year award was presented today to Mary Kenner. Mary is the club secretary and also volunteers with numerous projects throughout the year. Congratulations and Thank you for all your hard work!
 Today was Rotary day and we received an update on Storybook Island from the Executive Director, Jackie Laws. The park has a new mission statement, “We commit to making Storybook Island a fun, inclusive family park which awakens the imagination through literacy and engagement”. They have also updated the bylaws, created a new handbook for staff and are undergoing a financial audit. The park had it’s most successful year in 2022 bringing in $1.4 million in revenue, and the gala in February netted $26.8k for the Pooh Tree. Currently the board is currently looking at developing the additional 6 acres the park owns with in the next 5 years. Storybook Island also received the Brennan & Scot award this year which honors businesses that enhance tourism. Many sets have been redone and added forever lawn. There is a new Cinderella’s castle and the all ability play area was added this year. The park also has a community garden maintained by the Master Gardeners. Lot’s of great new things to experience! Upcoming dates to watch include: Dollar Days 8/16/23-carousel & train rides only $1 ea. Volunteer Day- 9/6/23- 9:00-5:00 cleanup & paint. Lunch provided. Safe n Sweet Trick or Treat 10/28/23. 2:00-5:00 and 6:00-9:00.
July 11, 2023 Meeting
2023-07-11 06:00:00Z |
The Wiradjuri Mob will be touring our District September 9-30. The four-member team plus Rotarian leader will be visiting Native American Reservations in our District. The committee managing our Group Study Exchange with D9700 Australia, has drafted the agenda attached. Please review the draft and note the dates the team will be in your clubs' areas. The committee will need to hear from you about hosting the team members, providing meals, home hosts, and also recommending any activities or tours you would like to suggest. Please contact Linda Peterson with home hosts details, and your club's contact person. Please contact Tom Katus for activities and planning the visit. The contact information is at the top of first page. Let's make their visit informative and successful!
Australian Group Study Exchange Here 9/9-9/30
2023-07-11 06:00:00Z |
Friday, July 7th was the get together at the Baker's house for home-brew and other drinks along with some great food brought by all. Around 30 people attended. It was such a fun time I forgot to take pictures, but everyone seemed to be having a great time getting to know each other better and relaxing.
Social at the Baker's House
2023-07-09 06:00:00Z |
Makers Space Update
2023-07-06 06:00:00Z |
 R. Gordon R. McInallyPresident 2023-24Rotary Club of South QueensferryScotlandR. Gordon R. McInally was educated at the Royal High School in Edinburgh and at the University of Dundee, where he earned his graduate degree in dental surgery. He operated his own dental practice in Edinburgh until 2016. McInally was chair of the East of Scotland branch of the British Paedodontic Society and has held various academic positions. He has also served as a presbytery elder, chair of the Queensferry parish congregational board, and commissioner to the general assembly of the Church of Scotland. Gordon joined Rotary in 1984 at age 26. A member of the Rotary Club of South Queensferry, he has served as president and vice president of Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland. He has also served RI as a director and on several committees, most recently as an adviser to the 2022 Houston Convention Committee and chair of the Operations Review Committee. Gordon says he looks forward to working with members to build new Rotary clubs and groups. "My vision is that Rotary should exist everywhere in a style to suit everyone who has the desire to be part of us and to help us do good in the world," he says. He is a patron of the UK-based nonprofit Hope and Homes for Children and led a partnership between that organization and RIBI to support children in Rwanda who had been orphaned in the genocide there. He is a patron of Trade-Aid, an initiative of the Rotary Club of Grantham Kesteven, England, that provides sustainable humanitarian aid to individuals, families, and businesses in the developing world. He is also an ambassador for Bipolar UK, a national mental health organization. In August 2022, he was made a laureate of the Sino Phil Asia International Peace Awards Foundation. In his free time, Gordon enjoys rugby, good food and wine, and stick dressing, the traditional Scottish craft of making walking sticks. Gordon describes The Rotary Foundation as "the engine that provides the energy to do Rotary service." He and his spouse, Heather, also a Rotarian, are Paul Harris Fellows, Major Donors, Benefactors of The Rotary Foundation, and members of the Bequest Society. Gordon wishes to dedicate his presidency to making the world a better place for his granddaughters, Ivy and Florence, and all the children of the world, to live and thrive.
2023-2024 RI President
2023-07-02 06:00:00Z |
To raise money for the Rotary Foundation we auctioned off a cheesecake made by Sandy White shield. $120 was raised! Thank you Scott Vandam.  Our speakers today were Bridget Marshall, Executive Director of Journey On, and Molly Miller, Loss Team Director. Their organization was previously Front Porch Coalition. They recently merged with Journey On which partners with the Rapid City Police Department to help the houseless needs in our community including teens and soon families and children that struggle to get to school. The Front Porch Coalition brought over services dealing with suicide. Partnered with the Pennington and Lawrence County Sheriffs they work with families of suicide on site and walk them through the process of dealing with the death. they also do suicide prevention, monthly support groups, survivor outreach and grief classes. They are available to these families 24 hrs/day. Their major fundraiser is the Suicide Awareness Walk held 9/23/23 9:00am at the chimney shelter at Canyon Lake Park.
June 27, 2023 Meeting
2023-06-27 06:00:00Z |
New member Bo Secrest received his Rotary pin and 4-Way Test plaque today. Bo, Electric Operations Manager for Black Hills Energy, has been in the energy industry for 16 years. Growing up in Nebraska and graduating college from SDSM&T, Bo and his wife Joanna call home here in the Black Hills(Bear Butte Valley) with their three children, Cale, Lucy and Macy, along with their loyal dog Emmy. When he is not with his family Bo spends his free time focusing on football officiating and getting ready for every game. Welcome Bo!
New Member Bo Secrest
2023-06-27 06:00:00Z |
April Malik and Kyle Bargman received their Rotary coins at the transition dinner as recipients of Jennifer’s Presidential 12 announced at the June 13th meeting.
Final Presidential Picks Awarded
2023-06-21 06:00:00Z |
Transition Dinner 2023
2023-06-21 06:00:00Z |
At today’s meeting Sandy White Shield and Rene Sorenson received their Rotary coins awarded by President JenniferRollins last week as part of her Presidential 12. The membership contest has come to a close. Although we have lost members this year through moves and life events we have brought in over 10% of our total in new members. The women won! Get planning that victory party men!! Our speaker today was Lisa Allison with the Cornerstone Rescue Mission. They provide a soup kitchen, emergency shelter, veterans wing with 14 beds, and prison transition. There is also a women’s & children’s home with 68 beds in a different part of town along with a thrift store that will gladly take your donations. Cornerstone works with the motivated homeless to assist in getting back on track. Shelter occupants have 30 days to find a job with help and get assistance with life skills. Cornerstone is always in need of volunteers to cook and/or serve lunch and dinner meals. They are funded by community donations and receive no state or federal funding. If you would like to help, or learn more go to cornerstone mission.org.Our club has been collecting toiletries for the shelter residents and they were presented to Lisa today.
June 20, 2023 Meeting
2023-06-20 06:00:00Z |
Shari West-Twittero was awarded her 7th Paul Harris today. Way to go Shari! As part of Jennifer's last Rotary Day as president she honored the board members with her gratitude and a Rotary 4-way test challenge coin. Jennifer also recognized her 12 Presidential Picks, people that have helped the club behind the scenes. They were presented with a Rotary International challenge coin. Congratulations to Tiffany Gikling, Kim Baker, Mary Kenner, Cindy Howell, Linda Rabe, Deb Niemi, John Johnson, Mark Barry, Rene Sorenson, Sandy White Shield, Bill Spindle, and April Malik. We learned that Jennifer set 15 goals for her presidential year and met 12. The club will be receiving a citation from the district for meeting at least half of her goals. Congratulations! As a club we have been addressing and planning for an inclusive future. This includes engaging diverse communities, intergenerational and people with disabilities. CBT training is available on the Rotary website at my.rotary.org in the learning center. We also learned that a global grant led by the Brookings club dealing with educating businesses to recognize signs of past trauma in employees and referring them to the proper places for help was rejected, but the district is working to resolve and re submit. Another grant was to raise awareness of human trafficking within the Pined Ridge Indian Reservation through focus groups, educating kids, youth summits, and data collecting. Jennifer will be sending out information on Rotary Organization 101 and encourages all to take it in order to learn the different levels of Rotary to help communication and getting the job done. This can also be found at my.rotary.org in the learning center.
June 13, 2023 Meeting
2023-06-13 06:00:00Z |
Today's speaker was Doug Scheller from Lions Club. Doug immediately pointed out that Lions Club and Rotary have more similarities than differences. We share the same passion in serving others. Doug is a Past District Governor for Lions and came to share with us information about the KidsSight Program and Eyeglass Donations. South Dakota Lions Foundation and the KidsSight Program this year alone have screened over 40,000 students in schools. The Foundation Grants program has assisted in the purchase of two vans for the program in South Dakota. They partner with Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity (VOSH) in providing screening and eye glasses to Mexico and Jamaica. The Eyeglass donations are a big part of this mission project. Over 60,000 pairs of glasses have been shipped to Mexico and Jamaica as part of this program. Lions Club members volunteer to sort eyeglasses as well as provide support on the mission trips screening recipients. Rushmore Rotary presented Doug with a box of eye glasses for their collection program. We look forward to working together in the future. 
June 6 Speaker Doug Scheller, Lions Club
2023-06-06 06:00:00Z |
Celebrating our Pirate Sponsorship at Storybook Island by spreading the word about Rushmore Rotary as we handed out cupcakes to park visitors.
Storybook Island sponsor night
2023-05-30 06:00:00Z |
Come join the Sturgis Rotaract Club fundraiser this Friday, May 26th for trivia night at the Sturgis Brewing Company, 600 Anna St., Sturgis, SD. 6:00-9:00pm.
Sturgis Rotaract Trivia Night
2023-05-26 06:00:00Z |
Our meeting today was at the Rapid City Public Library. We were hosted by our own Terri Davis, Director of the Library. The library offers numerous programs such as, Lunch and Learns during the school year, kids summer reading programs, home delivery for those unable to come to the library, the Libby app for ebook downloads, and archives. They also have over 40 computers available for use and now have 3D printers and large printers for banners. You can even get documents notarized at the library! Come check it out and get your library card. Thank you Terri, and our tour guides. For more information visit: rapidcitylibrary.org
Visit to Rapid City Library
2023-05-23 06:00:00Z |
Thanks Rushmore Rotarians and friends for participating in blackhillsplayhouse.com clean up day! #rushmorerotary #district5610
Black Hills Playhouse Clean Up Day
2023-05-14 06:00:00Z |
Great day with the Teachers and Staff at RCHS and celebrating them and all they do with a Walking Taco Bar and wonderful desserts!👍🏼
RCHS Teacher Appreciation Day
2023-05-09 06:00:00Z |
Good advice provided by Volunteers of America.
Servant Leadership
2023-05-04 06:00:00Z |
At P.E.T.S training last weekend our own Dr. Willis Sutliff gave a report on where we are in fighting polio and that we still need to work on it. The people are dressed like the Energizer Bunny that goes on and on demonstrating that the fight against polio needs to go on and on until it is banished from the world.
2023 P.E.T.S Training Polio Update
2023-05-03 06:00:00Z |
Rick Edelen receives his official Badge! Nice job.
Rick Edelen Receives His Official Badge
2023-04-12 06:00:00Z |
Terri Davis receives Paul Harris #2! Congratulations Terri and thank you for supporting the Rotary Foundation.
Terri Davis Receives Paul Harris #2
2023-04-12 06:00:00Z |
RCHS Four Way Test Essay Contest Winners. The Youth Advocacy Committee presented prizes to the following RCHS winners.
1st Place - Kaylee 2nd Place - Krystyne 3rd Place Madisyn 4th Place - Jennavieve
Carmen, Chair of the Committee, said a total of 23 essays were received. The winners were announced at a Quarterly Assembly at the school. Congratulations to these talented kids.
RCHS Four Way Test Essay Contest Winners
2023-04-12 06:00:00Z |
A wonderful night at the Children’s Home Society Gala. A lot of fun, great entertainment and lots of money raised for the children! Thank you Rushmore Rotary Gala Committee, our emcees Ron Jeffries and Bruce Nearhood and auctioneer extraordinaire Jeff Kingbury. Close to $40,000 was raised in the auctions alone. Lara Roetzel, Pennington County State’s Attorneys Office, was the recipient of the 2023 Partner Protecting Kids award. The entertainment was terrific as usual. Brad Johnson entertained all with his music through the decades.
2023 CHS Gala
2023-03-26 06:00:00Z |
After our March 7th meeting, our speaker’s service dog Rush was not happy with the noise created by our bell and gavel- so he took them and held them for ransom. Our club raised $300 to go to SD Service Dogs as ransom and Rush returned the bell & gavel at our March 21st meeting. He and his handler were also presented with the history of Rotary’s bell. Thank you Rush for being such a conscientious service dog!
Bell & Gavel held hostage by Rush the service dog.
2023-03-21 06:00:00Z |
President Jennifer Rollins spoke on micro aggressions, words or actions that offend people and what to do. There is a great tutorial on ClubRunner under the learning center.
Micro aggressions
2023-03-21 06:00:00Z |
Mark Barry shared his latest creation, a beautiful plant stand/chair. He has donated these as a district raffle prize and an auction item at this years Children’s Home Gala. Nice work Mark! The district raffle tickets are on sale. They would like each member to sell a book, which is $100 worth of tickets. Contact Kerry Lassaux kerry@unitedwayblackhills.org.
Mark Barry Donates Chair/Plantstands
2023-03-21 06:00:00Z |
It’s that time of year again! The Membership contest begins 3/15 and ends 6/15. Guys vs. gals. See the above flyer for points breakdown.
2023 Membership Contest
2023-03-21 06:00:00Z |
Rene Sorenson spoke about RYLA camp this summer July 9-13 in Maxwell, NE. It is open to current sophomores or juniors. There are no kids from our district going so we really need some applicants and to promote RYLA here. Students don’t need to provide their own transportation to camp. Please contact Rene with applicants and to get more information on this amazing leadership opportunity. reneinak@gmail.com
RYLA camp 2023
2023-03-21 06:00:00Z |
We heard from Bill Spindle, youth exchange chair for the district. He talked about the program returning after Covid shut it down. This year we will have inbound students. He is looking for 3 clubs in our district to host 1 student each for the school year this fall. There will be outbound students in 2024. Host families don’t need to be Rotarians. If interested or you would like more information please contact Bill. William.spindle@sdsmt.edu. (907)227-4970
2023 Youth Exchange
2023-03-21 06:00:00Z |
Great bingo social tonight at the VFW. Many winners and a lot of fun! Thank you Larry for your incredible bingo calling skills and Deb for being our Vanna!
February Bingo Social at the VFW
2023-02-28 07:00:00Z |
2/23/23 is Rotary’s birthday! 118 years ago today was the first Rotary meeting. Let’s celebrate this wonderful organization.
Happy 118 Birthday Rotary
2023-02-23 07:00:00Z |
Paint A Bowl Fundraiser for Volunteers Of America
2023-02-16 07:00:00Z |
The Black Hills Children’s Home Gala is coming up on Saturday March 25, 2023 at the Holiday Inn Downtown Convention Center. Please join us for this wonderful event benefiting the Children’s Home Child Advocacy Center. Rushmore Rotarians will receive invitations by mail, but you don’t need to be a Rotarian to attend. Please invite people to join you for this fun evening. The fun begins at 5:00pm with a complimentary bar until 6:00pm. Cash bar starts at 6:00pm. Entertainment will be a musical journey through the decades by Brad Johnson. There are some fantastic auction items including a 2CT diamond necklace from Riddle’s Jewelry worth over $3800.  This year absentee bidding will be aloud by contacting Teresa Schreiner at the Children’s Home with a max bid and she’ll assign a bidder at the event for you. You can see auction items on their website. You can get more information under events and download invitations with all the information under downloads.
Black Hills Children’s Home Gala 2023
2023-02-06 07:00:00Z |
The February Social was at Zymurcracy Brewery. It was well attended despite the falling snow. The club coin check was called, but only 2 people remembered their coins- not sure who had to buy! Don't forget next time.
Social at Zymurcracy 1/27
2023-01-30 07:00:00Z |
We have a modified wheelchair distribution trip scheduled for March 11 - 19, 2023. Attached is an itinerary. We will travel to Bucharest, interact for an evening with a local Bucharest Rotary Club, then go to Barlad. In Barlad, we will participate in a one-day wheelchair distribution, view the new Hope Haven International facility in Barlad and interact with local Rotarians in Barlad. Then we will travel to Brasov and Sinaia, tour Peles Palace, Dracula's Castle in Brasov and enjoy the mountains for a bit. We will finish in Bucharest and then home. I estimate the costs for this trip to be around $2,000 per person. If you have questions, please email me at: msiemons@hopehaven.org. Or call me at 712.470.0298. I am looking for 2 - 4 people to fill our team. I would like to book air travel next week. Hope you can join us for this trip!
Romania Wheelchair Distribution
2023-01-29 07:00:00Z |
Our speaker today was Matthew Connor, Information Director for Box Elder Growth & Development. His presentation was by Zoom. The City of Box Elder is expecting continued growth with Ellsworth AFB and the new B-21 Raider Bomber coming in 2025. With the larger population they will require housing, infrastructure, shopping and entertainment in order to become a vibrant place to live. A new micro brewery/restaurant will be built right outside of the Liberty Gate and they have plans for a children’s museum with Black Hills hands on, high tech themes. Thank you for the informative talk.
February 7, 2023 Meeting
2023-01-24 07:00:00Z |
The highest award in Rotary is the Paul Harris Award. It is given to a Rotarian or a member of the community that has made an outstanding contribution to the community.
The Paul Harris recipient goes above and beyond in serving our community through promoting change and understanding. It has been awarded to Rotarians and others that have shown that they are prepared to go that extra mile in support of people in need.
The Rapid City Rushmore Rotary Club honored Sean Binder, Internship Coordinator with Rapid City High School, with the distinguished Paul Harris Fellowship Award. Sean was instrumental in developing the City of Rapid City Youth Council, serves on the Lifeways board and is dedicated to youth development and work-based learning programs in the community and school. Sean has nurtured the partnership with Rapid City High School and Rapid City Rushmore Rotary.
Congratulations Sean.
Sean Binder Receives Paul Harris Award
2023-01-21 07:00:00Z |
On Friday, January 13, the St. Thomas Moore Interact Club had a "blue out" fundraiser to raise money for Human Trafficking Awareness. They decorated the school with blue streamers and made posters about statistics on Human Trafficking. Students donated $5 in order to wear blue. They are donating all of the funds to the Cornerstone Women's and Children's Shelter on January 19 at 11:30. The Interact Club will be at Rushmore Rotary’s meeting this Tuesday. Donations are welcome!
St. Thomas Moore Interact Blue Out
2023-01-16 07:00:00Z |
We are happy to share this recent news story produced by Nebraska Public Broadcasting. The equipment you will see was purchased by our Global Grant. While equipment and supplies purchases have slowed, the artists are busy creating and marketing their products. Holly Albers, marketing manager, is currently recruiting additional artists. They will have opportunities to attend quilting and sewing equipment training in Rapid City this winter. Also, skills classes on various craft/art subjects will be offered. Our grant will reimburse travel and class expenses. Global Grant committee members are happy to respond to any questions regarding this project.
Whiteclay Makerspace featured on Nebraska Public Media
2023-01-13 07:00:00Z |
WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO TO DENMARK? There is a Rotary Friendship Exchange with Denmark this year, the group from our district will go July 1 to 12 or 14 and the group from Denmark will come here September 15 to 27 or 29. This is a wonderful way to explore Southern Denmark, learn about Danish culture and make new friends.
Denmark Friendship Exchange 2023
2023-01-10 07:00:00Z |
Storybook Island’s Gala to save the 100 acre woods is Saturday, February 11, 2023. If you haven’t already bought your tickets please note the deadline is January 31st. Please come out and support this great cause.
Story Book Island Gala deadline for sign ups
2023-01-05 07:00:00Z |
Watertown Rotary challenged Clubs in District 5610 to match their $25,000 for The School of St. Jude. The district achieve this goal and $50,000 was donated to the school. Rushmore Rotary donated $8,000 through our fundraising dinner event held in October. Thank you to Pat Sutliff who serves as our International Chair and Liaison to the school.
School of St. Jude Update
2023-01-04 07:00:00Z |
Our own Mark Barry shared his hobby of woodworking at our meeting on January 3rd. Mark has been doing woodworking over the last 39 years and has created a wide variety of pieces including a shed for his wife, tables, rocking horses, highchairs, doors, and unique pieces (wine rocker, crosses, urns) for friends and family. He was introduced to Rotary through a project he completed at Black Hills Children's Home (and we are glad he joined Rushmore Rotary). Mark uses several types of tools and saws, and a variety of woods including hickory, birch, maple, walnut, oak, redwood. One of Mark's favorite sayings is "in a world where you can be anything--Be Kind! And that he is!
January 3 2023 Speaker - Mark Barry
2023-01-04 07:00:00Z |
 Recall that when you contribute to Happy Bucks, the money is donated to Polio Plus (one branch of the Foundation). With each dollar we receive, the club receives one point. Points can then be used to reward an individual (a fellow Rotarian or community member) with a Paul Harris Fellowship (this takes 1,000 points). This is a big deal! Of note, this is the same for you personally. As you donate you acquire these points. For example, with your $10 or more contribution to Happy Bucks, one point per dollar is given to you. Once you have collected 1,000 points you can choose who to honor. The Board decided to match, in points, all donations made by a member who donates to the Foundation between January 1 and May 31, 2023, one point per dollar. In other words, for those of you who are close to receiving a Paul Harris Fellowship, your donation in this window is essentially doubled and may put you over the 1,000 mark to achieve this special recognition. For those of you just starting a contribution or one time donation, this match will give you a great jump start to eventually reach Paul Harris Fellowship recognition. Our Foundation is the lifeblood of our organization, please consider giving.
Rotary Foundation Giving Match begins 1/1/23
2023-01-01 07:00:00Z |
In support of National Human Trafficking Awareness Day, January 11th, #wearblueday, Rushmore Rotarians wore blue to Tuesday’s meeting. January is National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention month. #WearBlueDay | Homeland Security (dhs.gov)#WearBlueDay | Homeland Security - DHS National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is recognized each year on January 11 th. In recognition of this important day, and throughout the month of January, Blue Campaign hosts several special events and educational activities.
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day 1/11
2023-01-01 07:00:00Z |
Toni Owan Toni was born and raised in Williston, ND. She graduated from Williston High School in 1981. Toni spent 15 years in Hawaii and both of her sons were born in Hawaii. At the age 26, as a single mom, she decided to go to college. She received her 4 year degree, then a law degree from the University of Hawaii. In 2000, she accepted a job as a foreclosure attorney in Denver. She then started her own foreclosure firm in 2003. In 2010, se reconnected with a guy friend from high school who is now her husband (thank you facebook) and gained a daughter and 2 grandkids. She was tired of practicing law so she sold her law firm and in 2021 and moved from Denver to Summerset, SD. She is still employed at the firm that purchased her firm, working from home as their Chief Financial Officer. Her one son teaches English in Seoul, South Korea, the other son is a Sergeant in the U.S. Army stationed in Stuttgart Germany and her daughter is a 7th grade science teacher in Williston, ND. Toni will turn 60 in January and you are all invited to her 60’s hippy themed 60th birthday "Peace Love & Party" at Kickstands Juke Joint Bar & Grill on Saturday 01/14/23 at 5pm where wearing a costume is highly recommended. Brittany Rimington Brittany just moved here from Eugene Oregon in May. She has a 6 year old St. Bernard named Albus. Brittany is a Quality Assurance Analyst and originally went to college for English Literature. In her time off time she volunteers at the public library. She is an avid reader and also enjoy sewing, cross-stitching and crochet. Brittany hopes to learn to garden in the next couple of years when she has the space for it. Welcome! We are so glad to have you both as part of our club.
New members Toni Owan and Brittany Rimington
2022-12-28 07:00:00Z |
Weather Update for Tuesday December 13th, 2022. Due to the pending weather in the area, below are some guidelines I am putting into practice with respect to Rushmore Rotary Club meeting. 1. Please be safe! If you do not feel you can drive do not try. Remember, unless we are off-site, we always have the zoom option. 2. If the Rapid City area schools close for the day (due to inclement weather), then Rushmore Rotary will not meet in person, but will still have the zoom option (note the speaker/program may change). 3. Recommend checking the news upon waking up and before heading out to determine if Rushmore Rotary in-person is available. If not, stay home and login to zoom to join us virtually. 4. For RUMMBLE Meeting (second Wednesday of each month), a similar policy is in effect. If schools are closed due to inclement weather, then RUMMBLE will be cancelled (no zoom option available). NOTE: The Rushmore Rotary Christmas party (originally scheduled for December 13) has been postponed. Stay tuned for more details to the new date. Be Safe, Rotarians. Jennifer
Weather Update For Tuesday Dec 13th
2022-12-12 07:00:00Z |
 November 29, 2022 This is a chance for Rotarians to give big. Go to Rotary.org to make your donation.
Giving Tuesday
2022-11-22 07:00:00Z |
The November social at Pour 54 was well attended and a great time with great food and plenty of beers to try.
November Social at Pour 54
2022-11-18 07:00:00Z |
Members and friends of Rushmore Rotary joined Hope Haven, OST Community Health, and Rotary members from Sioux Falls West, Sioux Falls Downtown and Tyndall in wheelchair distribution and fitting on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Rushmore Rotary members also visited the Whiteclay Makerspace and Red Cloud Heritage Center.
Hope Haven Wheelchair Distribution
2022-11-18 07:00:00Z |
Show your support and join the Sturgis Rotaract and Northern Hills Rotary for their Music Trivia Night fundraiser at Sturgis Brewing Company on Wednesday, November 30th from 6-9 pm.
Sturgis Rotaract Music Trivia Night
2022-11-13 07:00:00Z |
Several Rotarians attended the school assembly and presented $500 to start up the RCHS Spirit Store.
Rapid City High School Assembly
2022-11-01 06:00:00Z |
District 5610 Rotarians. I am pleased to report that the Nominating Committee, chaired by IPDG Doug Lind, has selected a candidate for the position of District Governor Nominee Designee. We have an outstanding candidate in Rotarian Dan Cox. Please see attached document with Dan Cox’s Rotary Resume, Professional Bio, and Goals. District membership has 30 days from this posting to challenge this candidacy. If there is no challenge, this candidate will be presented for membership vote during the District Assembly on April 29, 2023. The elected DGND will serve as District Governor for the 2025-26 term. The election of the District Governor Nominee Designee is a very important responsibility of all members of District 5610, and I appreciate your attention to this matter. I also extend my thanks to the members of the Nominating Committee for their diligence and timely completion of the task presented to them. Yours in Service Above Self, John Schneider District 5610 District Governor 2022-23
Dan Cox named District Governor for 2025-26
2022-10-28 06:00:00Z |
Rapid City, SD has declared today World Polio Awareness Day. Celebrate with us by supporting #endpolio. Visit endpolio.org for more information.
World Polio Day
2022-10-24 06:00:00Z |
Corey Davis, Scout Executive and CEO of Black Hills Area Council/Boy Scouts of America (BSA) introduced us to Grace (pictured), the first female Eagle Scout in the Black Hills as part of his presentation. We all learned something new about BSA, its localized funding, new policies and and its restructuring to support their goals to incorporate family activities, prepare leaders, explore careers, and have adventures. For more information on BSA go to blackhillsbsa.org
October 4th Speaker - Corey Davis
2022-10-04 06:00:00Z |
Last month, we had a wonderful time hosting a contingent of Swedish Rotarians as part of the Rotary Friendship Exchange. We showed off our top tourist locations in the Black Hills as well as a few Rotary led projects such as Whiteclay Makerspace and Storybook Island (SBI). We loved learning about Sweden, especially during their briefing at SBI...that is until the sprinklers made us reach an abrupt end.
Swedish Friendship Exchange Visit
2022-10-02 06:00:00Z |
Fundraiser for The School of St Jude 10/14
2022-10-01 06:00:00Z |
Our new District Governor, John Schneider, will be speaking at our club meeting Tuesday September 27, 2022. Be sure to join us and welcome him to Rushmore Rotary!
District Governor John Schneider to visit Rushmore Rotary
2022-09-23 06:00:00Z |
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) are not corporate buzzwords. They’re important reminders that we need to understand and embrace our differences, provide equitable opportunities for success, and welcome one another exactly as we are.
For Rotary, DEI means ensuring that our clubs, meetings, and events are places where participants can speak openly and respectfully and where everyone feels welcome. It’s about removing barriers to entry and success and opening doors to inclusion. |
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How can you help? We want to reflect the communities in which we live and serve. Invite community and business leaders and influencers from groups that are underrepresented in your club to participate in a club activity. Encourage a new club member to take a leadership role. Remove obstacles that could prevent some people from joining your club, like a meeting time or place that isn’t accessible to everyone. Our ability to adapt is the key to strengthening Rotary’s future. | |
The main reason Rotarians and Rotaractors remain Rotary members is that they feel welcomed and supported in their clubs. Increasing our membership continues to be a priority, but giving our members experiences they value and reasons to stay is equally important.
How can you help? To serve our communities, we first need to serve our members. Talk to your club leaders and fellow members about what they want from their Rotary experience and work together to make it happen. Learning what keeps members engaged is a powerful tool for strengthening Rotary. These membership resources can help. |
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All over the world, gender can still affect a person’s ability to get an education, funding for a small business, or proper health care. We know that projects that improve the health, well-being, education, and economic security of girls will have a positive impact on the next generation of empowered female leaders.
How can you help? Develop a club-based initiative or apply for a district grant or global grant to fund a project that promotes girls’ health, education, or economic independence. From supporting a local women’s shelter to improving girls’ access to water and sanitation, every project can make a big difference. Share your stories and learn what other clubs are doing to empower girls and women on Rotary Showcase. |
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We’ve always proudly showcased the many ways Rotary drives change and makes an impact. This year, we’ll use a variety of storytelling approaches to highlight projects in each area of focus. Our goals are to raise the visibility of our work; engage new influencers, media, leaders, and potential partners; and share what we’ve learned about how clubs can make projects in their communities even more effective.
How can you help? Visit the Learning Center to learn more about Rotary’s focus on increasing impact. And download resources from Rotary’s newly updated Brand Center to tell your club’s story. By sharing your club’s successes, you’re showing people that Rotary is a service and leadership organization that makes a difference. |
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Rotary members have demonstrated that when we dream big — as with our fight to end polio — we can make our dreams a reality. This year, I’m asking you to Imagine Rotary — and to imagine a world where we each contribute to lasting positive change.
Sincerely, Jennifer Jones RI President, 2022-23
Learn about Jennifer and her presidential initiatives by visiting My Rotary or listening to her speech from the 2022 International Convention. |
RI A Look At The Year Ahead
2022-09-02 06:00:00Z |
Safe and Sweet Trick or Treat is scheduled for October 29th. Contact jackie@storybookisland.com to volunteer. They are in need of candy donations for the event. Bring to our weekly meetings or drop off at SBI.
Storybook Island Update
2022-09-02 06:00:00Z |
SBI Adult Fun Night 9/23/22
2022-09-02 06:00:00Z |
Saturday 8/13 was the August social at Canyon Lake Park. Rotarians from neighboring clubs joined in the fun. As always the food was good, the fellowship great, and the corn hole competition fierce!
August 2022 social-family picnic
2022-08-14 06:00:00Z |
On Friday, August 5, 2022 a group from Rushmore Rotary visited the Whiteclay Makerspace and Trading Post, a District 5610 Global Grant project. It was wonderful to see the ongoing progress on location, including an updated professional photo booth, expanding bead and yarn shop, and a second quilting long arm. After a productive meeting with the partners involved, the group attended the Pine Ridge Pow Wow. Despite the 108-degree weather, the group enjoyed visiting the vendors, talking with Pine Ridge locals and other visitors to the Pow Wow, and watching the setup of the teepee building competition.
Visit to Whiteclay Makerspace/Trading Post
2022-08-08 06:00:00Z |
The July social at the Baker’s house was a great time! Everyone brought great food and enjoyed Bob’s home brew! Great fellowship was enjoyed by over 40 Rotarians and guests.
Fun time at the July Social
2022-07-26 06:00:00Z |
Football books were handed out at the 7/12 meeting. Everyone should have received an e-mail with your team captain information. They will be getting your books to you. It is important that everyone sells their books so we can continue to support Story Book Island, The Black Hills Children's Home, International Projects, Student Achievement, and various donation requests that come up throughout the year. This year the football books committee will be holding drawings for $25 gift card rewards to encourage members to sell all their books. Here's how it works: 1st drawing will include those who sell 8 books within the first 2 weeks. 2nd drawing will be a month later with 1 entry for every 10 books sold. 3rd drawing will be for the top sellers(25 or more books). 1 entry for every additional 10 books sold. So get your books sold and see your captain for additional books!
Football Book Sales Are On!
2022-07-15 06:00:00Z |
Rotarian of the Year, Cathy Quinlivan, received a Paul Harris Fellow as part of her award. This makes Cathy a Paul Harris +1. Congratulations!
Rotarian of the Year Paul Harris Award
2022-07-12 06:00:00Z |
Every day, Rotary members respond to challenges big and small, emerging and ongoing. And when members like you participate through service or with a donation to our Foundation, we make an even bigger impact. |
The Rotary Foundation
2022-06-01 06:00:00Z |
Many members of Rushmore Rotary were part of the larger group of 37 people from District 5610 that had the pleasure of traveling to Tanzania in May 2022. The purpose of the trip was to visit the School of St Jude and attend the graduation ceremony for many of the students we sponsor. But the trip and the school were so much more! The School of St Jude is unique in many aspects. It started in 2002 with a vision of a young Australian Gemma with only three students. Today, with much help from many Rotary clubs, districts, and supportive individuals it has a student body of 1800. This is school is one of a kind in East Africa and arguably all of Africa. Their mission is to end poverty through education, and it is working! Those of us who visited observed this firsthand. For example, of the approximately 900 graduates, they have positively affected their families and friends. But, also during their community service year after graduation, many teach at public schools. Graduates raised the academic level of the 80,000 public school children to whom they taught. See article published in the RC Journal for more details on School of St. Jude. A huge thank you to Pat Sutliff for organizing this trip. The second part of the Tanzania trip was a safari. Our group was privileged (and a bit lucky) to have observed all the big game in their natural environment. Some species are rare to see (cheetahs), some really rare to see (leopards), some nearly extinct (rhinoceros), some really smelly (hippopotamus), some gracefully tall (giraffe), and some are just really cool (lion, elephants). Despite the big seven, there were countless other animals, birds, and plants of amazing beauty. The spectacular trip was only eclipsed by the marvelous group of Rotarians with whom we travelled!!
Trip to School of St. Jude Tanzania
2022-05-31 06:00:00Z |
District 5610 does a Four Way Test Essay Contest with 6th graders. Each club in District 5610 can run their own Four Way Test Essay Contest choosing a first, second and third place winner. Colby Christensen has been running our contest at North Middle School (NMS) in Rapid City and presented our winners at a recent club meeting. Jennaya's essay regarding the value of friendships as it relates to the Four Way Test was read to our Club. We awarded gift cards and sponsor a pizza party for the participants at North Middle School. Each club sends their first place winner to the District contest where they are judged and winners are announced for the district. The first place district winner reads their essay at our District Conference in the fall. Congratulations to the following North Middle School students: Jennaya (1st place); Jaselle (2nd place) and a tie for 3rd place Matthius and Ken (not pictured). Thank you to Colby and Becca (NMS English teacher) for their assistance in this contest. Also pictured with the group is Darla Crown from Rushmore Rotary.
North Middle School District 5610 Four Way Test Essay Winners
2022-05-04 06:00:00Z |
What we say and how we behave matter. Although free expression is important, we must take responsibility for ho w our words and actions may affect others. The RI Board has approved a new DEI Code of Conduct to help Rotary members create and maintain an environment that is collaborative, positive, and healthy for everyone. Simply put, the DEI Code of Conduct asks you to: - Use respectful language
- Be supportive
- Foster a welcoming and inclusive environment
- Celebrate diversity
Rotary's Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Code of Conduct
2022-04-29 06:00:00Z |
The Four-Way Test is an ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and Rotarians recite it at club meetings. Each year Rushmore Rotary Youth Advocacy Committee sponsors an Essay Contest at Rapid City High School based on the Four Way Test. We are proud to announce the winners for 2022: 1st place--Jasua, 2nd place--Kevin, 3rd place--Rayven, and 4th place--Kaylee. Jasua’s essay was read at our weekly meeting and it made a great connection between Rotary’s guiding principles and the expectations set out for students at RCHS. Congratulations all. Pictured with the students are Sean Binder, RCHS advisor and Scott Van Dam, Club President.
RCHS Four Way Test Essay Winners
2022-04-27 06:00:00Z |
Come and explore the place where magic happens. Lots of new updates have been made in the park to discover. Saturday May 28, 2022 from 9am to 7pm. Cake and beverages served (first come basis).
Storybook Island's Grand Re-Opening May 28th
2022-04-22 06:00:00Z |
We have set a workday at Whiteclay for Saturday, May 7. Projects include: 1. Cleanup and painting of back room to prepare for second quilting machine (arriving mid-May)! 2. Cleanup and setup of woodworking equipment in workshop, possibly installing a garage door 3. Yard cleanup and preparation for gardening projects, pruning crabapple trees. Contact Linda and Norm Peterson if you are planning to go. 605-341-5006, cell 605-390-0800
Whiteclay Makerspace Workday May 7th
2022-04-11 06:00:00Z |
You missed a fabulous Thai meal prepared by our own April Malik and a fun night of corn hole competition. First place went to Bruce Nearhood and Tiffany Gikling; second place to Scott Van Dam and Kim Baker and third place to Deb Niemi and Scott Kenner. There was no lack of form or function! Thank you to Heidi and Bruce for organizing the celebration. Our club is currently at 74 members!! Be sure to invite a guest to an upcoming meeting.
Membership Contest Social April 20th
2022-04-10 06:00:00Z |
There is a Friendship Team going to Sweden from June 17 to 28, 2022 and they have 4 openings. It will be a really great trip, you will be celebrating Midsummer there. This is their biggest celebration of the year with lots of flowers, bonfires, great food dancing and more. This is truly a cultural experience. You will fly in and out of Gothenburg and can add on travel to other places if you wish. The Swedes will come here from September 18 to 27, 2022. If interested please contact Pat Sutliff <pmsutliff@gmail.com> or 605-593-2896
Friendship Exchange to Sweden - Openings for June 17-28
2022-03-28 06:00:00Z |
As one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations, we have made peace the cornerstone of our global mission. We join the international community in calling for an immediate cease fire, withdrawal of Russian forces, and a restoration of diplomatic efforts to resolve tis conflict through dialogue. As Rotarians, we have two options for contributions to disaster assistance: 1. Consider Contribution to the Rotary Disaster Relief Fund now through 30 April 2022 at https://my.rotary.org/en/disaster-response-fund Contributions will go into the Disaster Response Fund to address a variety of issues affecting Ukraine: Refugee assistance, transportation to safety, lodging, food, clothing, water, medical care, other needs. 2. Due to the relationships built between Rotarians of District 5610 and Romania through the Hope Haven wheelchair projects, we have direct connections with Rotarians that are supporting refugees in Romania. To make a contribution go to www.hopehaven.org and click on the Give button in upper right corner of the homepage. The money will be used to buy food, clothing and other essentials for the Ukrainian refugees. I hope you have you can join us in this effort.
Disaster Relief for Ukraine
2022-03-15 06:00:00Z |
After many years of dedication to his studies and with your support, John has graduated from the Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences(CUHAS). John graduated on the 13 November 2021 from CUHAS with a Diploma in Medicine and Health Services. John is one of the third group of BSJ scholars to have accomplished this phenomenal milestone. Thanks to your incredible support, John and 89 of his peers are now equipped to become the future leaders their communities and nation needs. Over the past two years, we have celebrated graduates from different fields: accounting, engineering, education, nursing, architecture, business and so many more. Last year was even more incredible! What made last year extra special is the fact that we celebrated our very first graduate doctors. Your support of St Jude’s has made this possible.
School of St. Jude Graduation
2022-02-26 07:00:00Z |
Making a Difference for Generations Gala was held on March 19th to benefit the Children's Home Child Advocacy Center. Thanks to Golf sponsors, Gala Sponsors, InKind donors, Rushmore Rotarians, ALL the volunteers, auction package donors and buyers, attendees, Gala committee, Childrens Home board members, and EVERYONE who made it possible, we raised over $45,000 for the Children's Home Child Advocacy Center. Best ever ! A HUGE THANK YOU.!!!
Children's Home Advocacy Center Gala
2022-01-28 07:00:00Z |
Plan to attend the April 11 Strategic Planning Session from 5:30 to 7:30 at our regular meeting location: Howard Johnson Express. During this second meeting members will focus on the activities, timeline, and tracking needed to ensure success. Rushmore Rotary is already a strong and healthy club. These assemblies are meant to set the path to make the small improvements and encourage continual growth in a positive direction to best align in providing service needed by the community, large and small.
Strategic Planning Session April 11th
2022-01-11 07:00:00Z |
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security plays a large role in the fight against human trafficking with efforts called the Blue Campaign. January 11 has been designated Human Trafficking Awareness Day and our club wore blue to raise awareness of human trafficking. Visit the following website to learn more as well as other ways to participate. https://www.dhs.gov/blue-campaign/wearblueday
January 11 Join the Blue Campaign
2022-01-04 07:00:00Z |
Invite prospective members from all backgrounds to experience Rotary. New members from different groups in our community bring fresh perspectives and ideas to our clubs and expand Rotary's presence. Refer a member: myrotary.org/member-center
Diversity Strengthens our Club
2021-12-30 07:00:00Z |
If you found one of our painted rocks...welcome to our page. We hope you check out Rushmore Rotary or another Rotary organization (rotary.org) whereever you live. Send us a note if you found one. Happy New Year!
Rotary Rocks!
2021-12-22 07:00:00Z |
Carmen Hansen shared an update on the Rotary Plaza constructed in memory of George Lyons at Rapid City High School. Pictured are Carmen and Dana Foreman with the new plaque that will be installed in Spring 2022, followed by an official dedication ceremony. The plaque recognizes several businesses and individuals who have contributed to this project: Rushmore Rotary, Lind Exco Inc, KLJ Engineering, Western Dakota Tech, Timber Ridge, Bob Quinn Construction, Pat Peel, Roger & Chris Heacock, and Carmen & Gary Hansen. As previously mentioned, benches and skateboard racks designed by Western Dakota Tech are already being used by the students and staff at Rapid City High School. Thank you to members who have helped with installation/site preparation.
Rotary Plaza Update
2021-12-04 07:00:00Z |
A small group of Rotarians gathered to make a JOYFUL noise at Storybook Island as part of our Christmas Social on December 15th. The weather was a chilly 30 degrees, but we enjoyed caroling, strolling through the park to see the lights and visit Santa, followed by warm drinks and treats at the Twiteros. At our December 22nd meeting, Feeding South Dakota came to make a presentation and members donated food and cash to support this great organization. See "We are People of Action" for more information on our monthly volunteering opportunity at Feeding South Dakota.
Christmas Gatherings
2021-11-27 07:00:00Z |
LET'S WELCOME OUR NEWEST MEMBERS TO THE ROTARY FAMILY! April Malik is the Executive Director of Minneluzahan Senior Center and owner of Thai To Go. She has been in Rapid City for 21 years. April assisted our Club with the Children's Home Society fundraising efforts during the pandemic, which we are so thankful. Her experience working with our energetic Club was why she joined Rotary and she looks forward to networking opportunities. She is a mother to 5 daughters, the reason that she started the Thai To Go business in 2010. April recently returned from getting three of her daughters settled into college in New York City, Minnesota and California. When she's not working, cooking, or spending time with her daughters, she enjoys walking and beekeeping. A sign in her office tells it all: "No Job is More Important than Your Family." Rene Sorenson was born and raised in Anchorage, AK and obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration and minor degrees in Economics and Communication Arts. Her work experience includes positions with Microsoft (Recruiting Assistant), FDIC, and State Farm (claims adjuster). Rene and her husband Clark returned to Rapid City in 2021 (Clark’s hometown) after he retired from a civil engineering career in the oil and gas industry. They have a beautiful blended family of five adult children and four grandchildren. Rene was a member of the Russian Jack Rotary Club and served on fundraising committees for the Anchorage Symphony Pops Concert, Anchorage Museum and Catholic Social Services charity balls. She and Clark enjoy hiking, golf, biking, pickleball, camping and spending time with family and friends. Stacy Johnson spent her early years on their family ranch in Northeastern Wyoming. She is a new citizen of Rapid city, moving here in January 2021. She holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Finance from the University of Wyoming and built a career of financial advisory in Casper for 18 years. Between college and financial advisory, she spent 10 years with two statewide non-profit organizations. This experience sealed her love for serving people including youth ministry, cooking, teaching, mentoring, playing and singing. She served as a child advocate with CASA, and served in an advisory role in statewide church leadership, a local credit union, and Casper’s planning and zoning committee. Her hobbies include riding motorcycle (which introduced her to the Black Hills), knitting, reading, and hiking. Stacy served alongside her former husband in the Casper Rotary Club for many years. She is inspired by our club’s involvement with youth through Story Book Island and the Children’s Home Society and the many community action projects.
Meet our Newest Members
2021-10-30 06:00:00Z |
We have completed many Global Grants with this district in India over the last 10 years, including Happy Schools. It shows us making the world a better place (see Then and Now photos). Thank you for your dedication to Rotary. Locally, the St. Thomas More Interact Club will be completing an International Project with The School of St Jude who n eeds water storage tanks (see example) for their new girl’s school. The tanks will enable them to store clean water for use during the dry season. The tanks hold 10,000 liters and cost $1,000. They need 8 tanks for the school. Rushmore Rotary's International Projects Committee proposed and approved a match for the money that the Interact Club raises up to $1,000.
International Committee Update
2021-10-14 06:00:00Z |
 For more than 30 years, Rotary and our partners have driven the effort to eradicate polio worldwide. Our PolioPlus program was the first initiative to tackle global polio eradication by vaccinating children on a massive scale. Today, we have reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent, and just two countries continue to report cases of wild poliovirus: Afghanistan and Pakistan. The infrastructure we helped build to end polio is also being used to treat and prevent other diseases (including COVID-19) and create lasting impact in other areas of public health. Thank you members for your support of the Polio Plus Program!
World Polio Day
2021-10-06 06:00:00Z |
Great News! Members Dana Foreman, Bob Quinn, Mike Fuller and Mark Barry installed the benches, trash receptacle, bike racks and skate board rack at Rapid City High school. Rotary Plaza sign has been ordered and as soon as it gets installed, we will have a ribbon cutting and acknowledgment of key partners. . A big thank you to Carmen Hansen for spearheading the grant and the project and for those members that have helped make this happen. Below are some photos and a message from Sean Binder, RCHS. Students are already using the benches. “Rushmore Rotary Club-Yesterday we had the joy of watching benches and bike racks being installed. Today I was walking down the hallway during lunch when a coworker stopped me. She quickly ushered me to the second floor windows. As I looked out the windows I witnessed the coolest sight! Two of our learners were joyfully sitting on one bench eating their lunch. While another learner sat on the other bench quietly reading a book. I wandered downstairs and out to the benches to say hello to the learners on their lunch break. As I approached the two eating lunch they quickly said, “Look at these new benches! These are so great… we have a place to actually sit.” Not even 24 hours into the benches being installed they are being used! We will be sharing further official expressions of gratitude with club soon. However, I could not wait to share this with the entire Rushmore Rotary Club.” |
Benches are in at RCHS "Rotary Plaza" project
2021-09-10 06:00:00Z |
Nominations are being accepted for the following District 5610 position: District 5610 Governor Nominee (serves as District Governor 2024-25). Those seeking this position must have served as a club president (per Rotary International bylaws). Nominations or expressions of personal interest should be forwarded to Past District Governor Dan Little no later than October 18, 2021. If you have any questions, please contact Dan Little at 5610dlittle@delittledvm.com or call Dan at 605-695-3732.
District Governor Nominations being accepted (2024-2025)
2021-09-10 06:00:00Z |
Thanks to all who participated in the Highway Cleanup. Great job everyone!
Community Action Highway Cleanup Sept 25th
2021-08-31 06:00:00Z |
Rotary's Areas of Focus
2021-08-29 06:00:00Z |
Grand Opening was held on Sunday October 17th, following the District Conference. Several District and Club members were in attendance and got to experience first hand the hard work that has been put in on this District 5610 Global Grant by members and Lakota artists. Whiteclay Makerspace Inc. building owner, Jon Ruybalid is handling the building and the management of the facility while Rotary is equipping the makerspace with needed equipment and supplies. Candi Red Cloud is the store manager, and recruits the artists.
White Clay Makerspace Grand Opening
2021-08-24 06:00:00Z |
 We have two more weeks to sell football books and all of you have done a fantastic job!! We decided to print 100 more books. So if you want more books to sell, let Cathy Q know. Please be thinking about getting your stubs and money together and turned in at the meetings, at Print Mark-et, or give one of us a call (Q: 381-0661 or Linda: 431-2886). We would love to get everything in by September 12th or 13th (first Monday Night Game). Thanks again for selling your books!
2021-07-21 06:00:00Z |
On July 1, Rushmore Rotary's own Doug Lind assumed the volunteer post of Rotary International District Governor for 2021-22. As Governor, he coordinates the community and international service projects of the 40 clubs in District 5610 encompassing all of South Dakota, northwestern Iowa, southwestern Minnesota and northeast Nebraska. Lind will serve through June 30, 2022. Lind is one of only 535 Rotarians worldwide serving as a district governor this year. He has served as the president and on numerous committees of our Club. Additionally, he has attended two International Rotary Conferences and participated in Rotary friendship exchange trips to Japan and Sweden. DG Lind shared his vision as District Governor at our meeting on July 6, 2021. Congratulations! We look forward to a great year.
District Governor - Doug Lind
2021-07-01 06:00:00Z |
Rushmore Rotary's transition picnic was held on June 30 to welcome incoming president Scott Van Dam and to thank Dana Foreman for his year of service to the club, particularly during our adjustment to "zoom" meetings. Great job Dana! Dr. Van Dam joined Black Hills Oral Surgery in 2007. He completed his dental training at Creighton University and received his medical and surgical training at the Mayo Clinic. He is Board Certified as a Diplomate of the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and is a member of the American Dental Association, the South Dakota Dental Association, the American Medical Association, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology, and member and past president of the Black Hills District Dental Society. Dr. Van Dam is an active member of the Medical Staff at Rapid City Regional Hospital and Same Day Surgery Center. He has served on several Rotary committees, and chaired the Children's Home Gala Committee. We look forward to a a great year.
Leadership Transition
2021-07-01 06:00:00Z |
Save the Date of October 14-16, 2021 for the District Conference - to be held at Cadillac Jacks Hotel in Deadwood, SD. There are great speakers lined up, some really interesting breakout sessions planned and the opportunity to network. Please put it on your calendar! Watch for additional details coming this summer. Bruce Nearhood and Pat Sutliff are Co-Chairs of the District Conference.
2021-05-25 06:00:00Z |
2021-05-24 06:00:00Z |
Don't forget to visit SBI for the Christmas Nights of Light thorugh December 31. Thank you to members who have supported SBI in numerous ways in 2021 and over the 50 plus years the park has been operating. Thank you to the Board members from our Club: Amy, Michael and Tiffany and the dedicated staff at the Park. Photo courtesy Rapid City Journal.
2021-04-23 06:00:00Z |
The Golf Committee voted to extend another $250,000 pledge to the Child Advocacy Center Endowment over the next 3 years. The current group has indicated their willingness to commit to that dollar amount and time frame. That will bring us to the 35th golf tournament. The Committee will be looking for volunteers to work the tournment in July.
2021-04-23 06:00:00Z |
Great turnout for Rapid City Cleanup Day on April 24th. Rushmore Rotary covered an area near Stevens High School. City-wide volunteers collected over 6.5 tons of trash. Thank you faithful Rotarians for your "service above self." Cleanup for Highway 16 is scheduled for Saturday May 22nd, 10:00 am. Meet at Old McDonald's farm. Lunch provided after at Pizza Ranch.
RAPID CITY CLEAN UP DAY - Community Action
2021-03-30 06:00:00Z |
Workday rescheduled for May 8th -- painting to get ready for an upcoming soft opening in May. Rapid City Area Volunteers: We will depart at 7:30 AM Saturday, May 8th from the parking lot at SDSU Native American Nursing Center, 1220 Mt. Rushmore Road. The Whiteclay Makerspace has proven to be an excellent project for Rotary DIstrict 5610. Additional information can be found on handout under download page.
Whiteclay Makerspace District Project Update
2021-03-29 06:00:00Z |
The Happy Schools project of Rotary India project aims to adopt 1,000 elementary schools across India to provide infrastructural and/or co-scholastic facilities to make them secure, attractive and happy learning-teaching places for students and teachers. Here are a few pictures of the difference our club is making towards 16 Happy Schools project.
Happy Schools - International Projects
2021-03-09 07:00:00Z |
We are excited to begin accepting applications for RYLA 2021 – to be held July 13-18 at Nebraska National Forest near Halsey, NE. RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) Camp is no cost to the camper, all-expense paid five-day conference which brings together this special group of young men and women. Activities, including problem solving games, a challenge course, group discussions and team-building activities, help participants build confidence and leadership skills; becoming the leader they were meant to become! Additional information on RYLA can be found at https://greatplainsryla.org/. Campers: Apply now by visiting the RYLA Application page.
RYLA CAMP 2021 Applications Available
2021-03-03 07:00:00Z |
Being part of a fellowship is a fun way to make friends around the world, explore a hobby or profession, and enhance your Rotary experience. Rotary has over 100 Fellowships. They can be found at More Fellowships | Rotary International. While not officially registered Rotary Fellowhip groups, Rushmore Rotary members recently participated in two activities: skiing and hiking. 
2021-02-18 07:00:00Z |
This past December, members of Rushmore Rotary and Rapid City Rotary clubs stepped up in a big way to support families in crisis who are enrolled in programs at Youth & Famity Services. Many of the families YFS serves were struggling to make ends meet prior to the onsetof the COVID-19 pandemic. Connie Olson, YFS Director, shared that an increasing number of families are now facing the very real possibility of becoming homeless. Thanks to Willis Sutliff for establishing a partnership between YFS and Rotary organizations. Within a few weeks, Rotarians raised $13,500 for the fund to help cover utility bills, rent, day care costs, and to purchase necessary supplies for children and their families. Just another great example of the impacts we make in our local communites. Thank you to such caring, committment and compassionae individuals.
2021-02-11 07:00:00Z |
Gemma Sisia started the School of St. Jude in Tanzania with the help of Rotary in 2002--to educate disadvantaged, bright students from the Arusha District to become moral and intellectual leaders in their country. Rotarians around the world (including our Club) have provided support over the years through sponsorships, purchase of buses, buildings, and equipment. The school started with 1 teacher and 3 students and today it has over 1800 students and hundreds of graduates. Our club currently sponsors three students: John, Furahini and Abdulkadir. There are several ways you can help support students: 1) Individually sponsor a student. Full sponsorship for a student for a year is $2,640 or you can do a 1/2 sponsorship for $1,320. Visit the website: afstjude.org. 2) Make a tax deductible donation to the school and/or students by sending your check to: AF School of St Jude, PO Box 3994, Rapid City, SD, 57709 3) Through our Rotary Club by donating monthly Highmark Federal Credit Union- Pat Sutliff has forms and information.
School of St. Judes - International Update
2021-02-11 07:00:00Z |
Another great workday at Whiteclay Arts Makerspace Rotary 5610 District project! Delivered power tools for the woodworking shop, assembled a cabinet and countertop for sewing center, and had a great fellowship time with Rotarians from three clubs!
2021-02-09 07:00:00Z |
We are excited to announce the following students from Rapid City High School as the 2020-2021 1st Semester Rushmore Rotary Students of Distinction! Congratulations and keep up the good work: 9th Grade- Ariana; 10th Grade- Lillian; 11th Grade- Chad; 12th Grade- Adrianna (not pidtured) We miss being part of the in-person Prize Patrol, but look forward to the day we can join back in the celebrations!
Rapid CIty High School Students of Distinction
2021-01-28 07:00:00Z |
2021-01-15 07:00:00Z |
Congratulations to Jim Scull, Tommy Barbour and Lindsay Willits who were winners in the year-end drawing for our football book fundraiser. We made it through a complete season of Monday Night Football!! Thank you to members who sold the books in support of many great Rotary projects.
Year End Drawing for Football Book Fundraiser
2021-01-05 07:00:00Z |
The 40-year-old Australian actress, Rebel Wilson, appeared on "Who Wants to Be a Millionnaire" and was raising money for the charity of her choice -- School of St. Jude in Arusha, Tanzania. Rebel served as an ambassador and once sponsored a student. She won a total of $250,000 and donated her entire winnings to the School of St. Jude. Very exciting news for St. Judes.
Exciting News for School of St. Jude
2021-01-05 07:00:00Z |
The District Governor and the members of the COVID-19 Disaster Response Grant Taskforce are happy to announce that thirteen District 5610 clubs have been awarded funds to help with projects in their communities to lessen the impact of COVID-19. These funds were allocated from a $25,000 Disaster Response Grant awarded to District 5610 this fall and will be used by the clubs between now and April 2021. With support from our members, Rushmore Rotary and District 5610 were able to provide financial help, food donations, prepare 800 backpacks for children during the holiday season and package holiday meals for distribution to help Feeding South Dakota. 
District Grant for COVID Relief
2020-12-23 07:00:00Z |
As part of our December 20, 2020 meeting, we will be collecting Stocking Stuffers for WAVI, who will be our program speakers that day. Suggested items for donation include: colors, markers, color books, books, activity books, games, puzzles, matchbox cars, miniature dolls, chapstick, hair ties, Christmas candy, suckers, etc. Be creative! Items can be brought to the December 8th in person gathering or Linda Rabe will be collecting items on December 19th at Baken Park parking lot from 10:00 am to noon (corner of Mt. View and Canyon Lake Drive). If you have any questions or need to arrange a separate time to drop off items, please contact Linda direct. Thanks for your participation.
2020-11-24 07:00:00Z |
The District Conference 2020 was well attended and well received by participants. District Governor Dan Little provided an introduction and opening remarks were shared by RI President Elect Nominee Jennifer Jones. Several presentations were made on Global Grants (Human Trafficking), Growing Rotary, the Foundation, Polio Plus, and local Club projects. If you were unable to join the meeting, the presentations can be found on the District website https://www.rotary5610.org/ under "downloads". Thank you to several members of our club who served on the different committees for this conference.
2020-11-14 07:00:00Z |
St. Jude's is very appreciative of our support to Furahini - the gift of a 100% free, quality education. It is thanks to the generosity of supporters like you that St. Jude's are able to continue fighting poverty through education and nurturing the future leaders of Tanzania! This year, our sponsored student, Furahini successfully transitioned to an Advanced Level (A Level) academic scholarship - she is now in Form 5 at St Jude’s! This will surely be an exciting and challenging leap from her O Level studies due to new responsibilities that accompany higher years of education; however, we are sure that, with continued guidance from our dedicated teachers and secondary staff, Furahini will continue to thrive.

2020-11-12 07:00:00Z |
The Club held an in-person gathering September 29th at Old Storybook Island to recognize new members (Kyle Bargmann) and Paul Harris Fellows: Mike O'Connor (+8), James Huff (+6), Kent Musegades (+4), Willis Sutliff (+4), Penny Lind (+2) and Mark Schreiner (+2). Paul Harris recognizes members who contribute $1,000+ to the Rotary Foundation. Dana Foreman (current president) gave a summary of our ongoing projects and grants. Doug Lind, District Governor Elect, gave a preview of the 2021 District Conference scheduled for October 2021 in Deadwood. Jennifer Rollins gave a preview of the 2020 District Conference (including the Human Trafficking initiative) which will be held virtually November 6th. Watch for more details on the link and itinerary. Thanks to all who participated. It was great to socialize even if it was masked and at a distance.
Recognition Gathering
2020-09-27 06:00:00Z |
Rotary Plaza in memory of George Lyons - This project is using funds donated in memory of George Lyons, a Rushmore Rotarian, and supplemented by a District Grant, and in-kind contributions by several project partners to create an outdoor space at Rapid City High School. Concrete has been poured and benches are in the works. We look forward to seeing the final product for the enjoyment of students and staff at RCHS -- in tribute to a great Rotarian and friend. Global Grant - Makerspace, Whiteclay NE - Work days for volunteers to setup and install equipment and prepare the space have been scheduled for October 2, and 10. Please call us to volunteer! Linda and Norm Peterson, Marcia Whiting, Mary Kenner (Rushmore Rotary), Ina Winter (Hot Springs) and Dr. Ashok Kumar (Rapid City Rotary) volunteered on September 26. If you wish to make donations for the project, see download file (Whiteclay Donation Form) on this website or District 5610 website. Items needed: table saw, drill press, laser cutter, Mac computer with Adobe Photoshop software, airbrush tool, quilt hoops, leather tooling punches, stamps, awls, mallets, Carpentry tape measures, angles, saws, misc. hand tools, wood chisel hand tools set. District 5610’s Ending Human Trafficking Initiative - At the upcoming District 5610 Virtual Conference scheduled for November 6, the subcommittee plans to invite a victim of human trafficking to speak (or provide a video) to the audience in order to raise awareness of the prevalence of this crime.
2020-09-01 06:00:00Z |
Several members of Rushmore Rotary volunteered in July and August at WDT Masks for Rapid City putting together mask kits. Masks for Rapid City is an effort to sew and distribute 60,000 masks for healthcare providers, caregivers, and immunocompromised individuals in our community. You can order mask-making kits, or place orders to receive completed masks via Masks for Rapid City facebook page or call the Masks for Rapid City hotline at (605) 718-3088.  
2020-07-10 06:00:00Z |
MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL IS IN FULL SWING! Football book winner will be announced weekly during our meeting and checks mailed out while we meeting virtually. Congratulation to all winners and thank you to the Committee and Rotarians for participation in this great fundraiser.
2020-06-30 06:00:00Z |
Congratulations Mark Barry for being chosen as Rotarian of the Year for Rushmore Rotary. Mark is a force in selling football books and plays a very large role in the Children’s Home Golf Tournament every year. Additionally, he has brought guests and new members to the club. He is not only kind to everyone, but goes over and above to volunteer for our Club. He sells many, many books each year - last year 270 books. He does this by speaking to everyone he knows ( I will add his large extended family) and many that he just meets in passing. Mark provides constant support on many Rotary tasks and always with a huge heart. Mark was recognized at the recent Transition Dinner. Pictured with Janet Kahler, Club Secretary.
2020-06-23 06:00:00Z |
Rapid City Rushmore Rotary Club donated over $2,300 in gift cards from local businesses to the Black Hills Regional Homeless Coalition for those individuals and families affected by Covid-19. With a Rotary grant and donations from its club members, Rushmore Rotary was able to not only support Rapid City downtown local businesses by purchasing gift cards from Philly Teds, Armadillos, Fork Real Café and Colonial House, but also help families. Austin Brummer of Armadillos Ice Cream states, “We love seeing organizations pay it forward and we hope it does not stop there and hope everyone in our community pays it forward.” Food insecurity was identified as a high priority, and Rotary wanted to be part of the solution. In addition, Rushmore Rotary Club wanted to also provide economic relief to local businesses affected by the pandemic. With guidance from Black Hills Area Community Foundation and United Way of the Black Hills, Rotarians decided to partner with Volunteers of America Northern Rockies because they are coordinating the Homeless Coalition and assisting families with emergency resources and housing support. “We are grateful for these gift cards that will be used to feed families and help brighten their day,” says Sara Hornick, VOA Coordinator of Black Hills Regional Homeless Coalition.”
2020-05-28 06:00:00Z |
Hello Rotarians, While it was unfortunate, it sure seems like it was the right call to cancel the Gala at Mount Rushmore. Now, so much more has transpired since that time. We hope you are all staying healthy and safe. We are so very grateful for all the time and effort that went into planning the Gala – thanks to everyone from Rotary who was part of that! We also appreciate very much how the sponsors and intended guests were open to still giving their gifts even after the event was cancelled. It sounds like the event will still raise around $31,000! That’s similar to what the event has made on average over the past few years – that is terrific! As you many know, the funds are designated to endowment for the Child Advocacy Center, our program where we provide forensic interviews and support for children who are alleged victims, most often of sexual abuse, but sometimes severe physical abuse. Over 50% of the funding for the Child Advocacy Center has to come from charitable support, so building the endowment funding to help run the program is so very critical. In 2019 we provided forensic interviews for 341 children.You are all part of a wonderful service club – and part of a terrific group of people in your Rapid City Rushmore Chapter. Thank-you for your many acts of Service Above Self, and for your partnership in our work! Michelle Lavallee Rick Weber Chief Executive Officer Development Director Children’s Home Society Children’s Home Foundation
Black Hills Children's Home Thank You Letter
2020-04-29 06:00:00Z |
Rotarians and Rapid City High School staff honored students of Distrinction nominees for this quarter with a pizza party. Thank you to several members who helped them celebrate.
RCHS Student of Distinction Pizza Party
2020-02-08 07:00:00Z |
Over a dozen members took advantage of the Club's match for November's Foundation Month Giving. Thank you to The Board, Norm and Shari for encouraging contributions to a great organization--Funds are returned to our Club in the form of future District Grant Funds. This match is available to the end of the year--so take advantage. End Polio Now: Countdown to History Campaign Certificate of Appreciation: Rushmore Rotary will receive a certification of appreciation for contributing at least US $1,500 to Rotary's polio eradication efforts. Isn't that a tremendous use of our Happy Dollars collection.
2019-11-07 07:00:00Z |
Several members from Rushmore Rotary volunteered at Rapid City High School during their College Application Day. Members assisted junior and seniors in completing their applications on-line. Application fees are waived for students during this week. Pictured are Dave Dolan, Shawn Binder (RCHS), Mary Kenner, Kathy Quinlivan, and Gene Bilodeau.
College Application Day - Rapid City High School
2019-11-06 07:00:00Z |
Are you ready? As our club grows, it is important that we get to know more about our Fellow Rotarians. President Gene Bilodeau will be calling on members to share their classification talks and has prepared some guidelines from other clubs. See download files for the full set of guidelines. The talks should be approximately 5-7 minutes and include information on your vocation, personal information (family, hobbies) and Rotary connections (what brought you to Rotary). GO ROTARY!
Rotary Classification Talks
2019-08-08 06:00:00Z |
Thanks to Football Book Fundraising we have met our pledge for Storybook Island's Carousel House project in the amount of $50,000. Great job everyone. Special thank you to Dana Foreman for his help with the design and construction specs. Pictured are Darla Crown and Shari West Twitero presenting Connie LeZotte (SBI) the check. REMINDER: Get your Football Books money turned into Cindy Hansen, Shari West Twitero or your team captain!
Storybook Island - Carousel House Pledge Complete
2019-07-31 06:00:00Z |
Posted by Linda Peterson
ENGAGE LEADERS | EXCHANGE IDEAS | TAKE ACTION Rotary International is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves. Rushmore Rotary is a club composed of inspired individuals who translate their passions into relevant social causes to change lives in communities.
Welcome to our Rotary Club!
Linda Peterson
2019-07-21 06:00:00Z |
District Governor (DG) Ina Winter (Hot Springs) visited Rushmore Rotary on July 25th. Ina shared her goals for the year: membership (2 new groups), Foundation (global grants), and Rotary recognition. Pictured below are former and future DGs from our Club with Ina: Jean Cline, Doug Lind, George Twitero and Linda Peterson. A Deck Party was held later in the week at Norm and Linda Peterson.
2019-07-15 06:00:00Z |
Australian Friendship Exchange
Several Club members hosted members of District 9670 from New South Wales, Australia in their homes. Jennifer Rollins organized tours including the Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, Wind Cave and a tour of the President's downtown Rapid City and a potluck at Storybook Island. Thank you to all who participated. It was a great time learning about their projects and fundraising and sharing information about our Club. A contingent from our District will visit Australia in October.
Australian Friendship Exchange
2019-06-13 06:00:00Z |
Omniciye Satellite Club -- Update
Omniciye Multi-Cultural Satellite Club gave a great update at Rushmore Rotary on recent projects: 3 Sister Gardens, Little Free Library, 4 Way Test Contest (North Middle School), Pine Ridge Youth Assessment and Global Grant for Art Maker Space. Pictured are Linda Peterson, Kibbe Conti, Colby Christensen, Sheela Farmer, and Tom Katus.
Omniciye Satellite Club -- Update
2019-05-01 06:00:00Z |
Several Rushmore Rotarians enjoyed a spring morning helping cleanup at Storybook Island in April. The dedication for the carousel is scheduled for May 28th at 9am. Hope to see a great turnout.
2019-04-08 06:00:00Z |
6th Grade Four Way Test Essay Winners - March 2019
North Middle School Kibbe Conte and Colby Christensen presented certificates of participation and gift cards to the students and provided a pizza party for them. Congratulations to Devin, pictured with his mom Keisha, for taking 1st place in the competition for North Middle School 6th graders. Southwest Middle School Opal Nelson third place; Scarlet Marcus second place; Bryn Marietta first place. Bryn also won the District 5610 competition CONGRATULATIONS.
6th Grade Four Way Test Essay Winners - March 2019
2019-03-28 06:00:00Z |
HOST FAMILY NEEDED FOR OUR CURRENT EXCHANGE STUDENT - ELO from March 1, 2019 to May 31, 2019. Please share with prospective families or individuals. Please contact Cindy Bailie at cabailie@rap.midco.net or Cindy Howell at chowell763@gmail.com Elo, Rotary foreign exchange student from Belgium needs housing for her last 3 months in the USA. She is a straight A student at Stevens HS, has lots of energy and is looking to make her stay in the US as rich as possible. Elo is very easy to be around as she is very interested in others. She needs a bed of her own but can share a room with another female. She will need rides to and from school; however Rotary has many who can help with transportation. She should be treated as one of your family when in your home. Her school lunches are provided by Rotary. If you have conflicts during the time but are still interested Elo has a place to stay for when her family is out of town.
2019-02-14 07:00:00Z |
Rapid City High School Service Project
For our Christmas meeting in December 2018, the club collected hats, gloves, boots, and coats for Rapid City High School students, as well as gift cards and cash to be used to purchase similar items. The clothing and gift cards were presented to Shawn Binder the Internship Coordinator. Great job Rushmore Rotarians.
Rapid City High School Service Project
2019-01-08 07:00:00Z |
Welcome Rushmore Rotarians (2018): Fred Folsom, Debra Niemi, Casey Bulyca, Todd Hyronimus, Chris Twiggs, Tyler Trevillian, and Bob Weyrich; pictured with Darla Crown (current President) at a February 2019 meeting. Latest update on Membership contest: Men 14 - Women 10! Keep up the good work Rotarians.
2018-12-04 07:00:00Z |
Rotary Foundation Month
November is Rotary Foundation month and Tuesday November 27 is Giving Tuesday. This is a great opportunity to review your personal commitment to The Rotary Foundation and its programs. If you have not already made your personal contribution to the Foundation, please support our Foundation by making a contribution before the end of November to help make lives better in our community and around the world. Rotary's 35,000 clubs carry out sustainable service projects that support six areas of focus to build international relationships, improve lives, and create a better world to support our peace efforts and end polio forever. For more information on the Foundation go to https://www.rotary.org/en/about-rotary/rotary-foundation. Contact Sheri West Twitero for quarterly or annual giving options.
Rotary Foundation Month
2018-11-20 07:00:00Z |
School of St. Jude
Rushmore Rotary Club hosts three students at the School of St. Jude in Arusha, Tanzania, East Africa. Pat Sutliff is the International Committee chair.
School of St. Jude
2018-10-09 06:00:00Z |
Rushmore Rotary Highway Cleanup
Thanks to everyone who helped conduct cleanup on Highway 16 for Adopt a Highway Program. We had 17 participating Rotarians and their guests. Several enjoyed pizza after. Thank you Cindy Hansen for organizing. r  . .jpg)
Rushmore Rotary Highway Cleanup
2018-10-09 06:00:00Z |
Pat Sutliff Honored with Roger Kozak Award
Pat Sutliff was honored at the District Conference with the 2018 Roger Kozak Service Above Self Award. It is given in recognition of exceptional service to Rotarians in Rotary District 5610. Congratulations Pat! 
Pat Sutliff Honored with Roger Kozak Award
2018-10-03 06:00:00Z |
Jessica Dial receives Paul Harris Fellow
In October 2018 Rushmore Rotary recognized Jessica Dial with a Paul Harris Fellow for her leadership as a former Youth Intern Coordinator at Rapid City High School. Jessica was designated to receive this recognition as a special expression of appreciation from our Club. Darla Crown, Pat Peel and Jessica Dial are pictured below..jpg)
Jessica Dial receives Paul Harris Fellow
2018-10-03 06:00:00Z |
In recognition of World Polio Day (October 24, 2018) Rushmore Rotary sponsored a Free Movie WONDER at the Elks Club. Thanks to Heidi Bell Gease and Dr. Willis Sutliff for organizing the event. The turnout was light, but the message about eradicating Polio and Rotary's involvement was shared with many.Thanks to club members who participated during the event. For more information on POLIO PLUS go to: https://www.endpolio.org/
2018-09-20 06:00:00Z |
Keaghan Duffy - Rotary Exchange Student Update
Cindy Bailie gave us an update on Keaghan Duffy, our Rotary Exchange Student to Italy. She is enjoying her experience and shared that the people are so friendly and the country beautiful. Cindy hopes that everyone will try to stay in touch with her at: keaghansiobhan@gmail.com The photo is the entrance to the town, Sant'Agata de' Goti (i.e. S'Agata) where Keaghan is staying.
Keaghan Duffy - Rotary Exchange Student Update
2018-09-17 06:00:00Z |
Friendship Exchange Visitors - Italy
Rushmore Rotarians hosted Friendship Exchange visitors from Italy in August. The visitors included 5 members from Milan, including 4 different Rotary Clubs; and the first female Milan Rotary District Governor (40 clubs). Their professions included a university professor of Cultural Policy, notary/Civil lawyer, judge, chemical engineer, and a civil engineer. The visitors enjoyed a trip to Mount Rushmore, Prairie Berry Winery, Reptile Gardens, Badlands National Park, Custer State Park, Delta Missile site, BH Children's Home, Journey museum and a potluck at Storybook Island. They were so moved by the children’s home mission that they ended up making a financial donation before they left!! Jennifer Rollins commented that " it was really fun to talk about combining efforts on current and future Rotary projects; and laying the groundwork for a potential global grant as they would be our International partner. It was an amazing week building upon our initial friendships formed when we visited Milan Italy in 2017. The rotary Friendship exchange is a top notch, well designed program for not only building friendship and fun but truly building culture awareness for the betterment of people as especially the Rotary mission." Upcoming Friendship Exchanges for Australia and Scotland are full for our club, but for future exchanges, please contact Pat Sutliff for information. Thank you to the host families (Lind's, Sutliff's, O'Connor's, Nearhood's, and Jennifer Rollins and the Rushmore Rotary Club for their hospitality.
Friendship Exchange Visitors - Italy
2018-08-29 06:00:00Z |
Copy of Belgian Exchange Student Arrived
Several Rotarians greeted our Belgian exchange student, Eloise Longhi, at the airport on August 20th. Cindy Howell is her first host family. Elosie attended the Rushmore Rotary meeting on August 21st. Welcome.
Copy of Belgian Exchange Student Arrived
2018-08-21 06:00:00Z |
Belgian Exchange Student Arrived
Several Rotarians greeted our Belgian exchange student, Eloise Longhi, at the airport on August 20th. Cindy Howell is her first host family. Elosie attended the Rushmore Rotary meeting on August 21st. Welcome.
Belgian Exchange Student Arrived
2018-08-21 06:00:00Z |
Children's Home Golf Tourney
Rushmore Rotary hosts Children’s Home Society 29th Annual Golf Tournament Another successful fundraising golf tournament was held at Arrowhead Country Club, Rapid City, SD, on July 30, 2018.  Rushmore Rotary has raised over $1.5 Million for Black Hills Children's Home through the golf tournament (1990 - 2017) and Gala at Mount Rushmore (1994-2017). Thank you to the many volunteers, sponsors and golf participants who faithfully support this cause. Stay tuned for the total raised during the 2018 golf tournament to be announced in the near future.
Children's Home Golf Tourney
2018-08-08 06:00:00Z |
Omniceye publishes Pine Ridge Rotary Requests
The Pine Ridge Area Social Services Organizations Rotary Directory was originated by Angie Sam, Raising Healthy Families Together Director. Her intern, Maretta Afraid of Bear, collected the initial data and Robyn Whirlwind Horse assisted with data entry in 2016/17. Raising Healthy Families Together is an informal network of social service organizations providing services to the residents of the Oglala Lakota Nation on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota. The Omniciye Club asked the members of RHFT to expand or compose their organizational profiles, assess the communities they serve, and outline potential projects Rotary clubs might wish to consider for support of volunteers, materials and funds. Dr. Craig Howe, Center for American Indian Research and Native Studies (CAIRNS) and Tom Allen, Oglala Lakota College, provided historical and contemporary Tribal information. On behalf of Omniciye Multi-Cultural Rotary Club: Bev Warne, Kibbe Conti, Gloria Eastman and Tom Katus were members of the initial visiting team. Terri Hunter wrote the chapter on Lakota History, Dee Katus edited the data, Tom Katus provided over all management to the project, and Linda Peterson provided final editing and electronic publishing. The electronic file is available in downloads for anyone wishing to find a worthy project in need of support. An additional file on Pine Ridge Social Services Organizations Contacts Directory is also available. Both directories were funded by a Rotary District 5610 Grant to Omniceye Multi-Cultural Rotary Club.
Omniceye publishes Pine Ridge Rotary Requests
2018-06-27 06:00:00Z |
Dana Foreman Rotarian of the Year!
The members voted and Dana was nominated Rotarian of the Year for 2017-18! He was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow at the last meeting of the Rotary year on June 26. Thanks Dana for all your contributions to Rotary and the community!
Dana Foreman Rotarian of the Year!
2018-06-26 06:00:00Z |
Storybook Symphony plays on!
The Leadership Rapid City Class of 2015 has met the fundraising goal for our legacy project, benefiting Storybook Island. Our project will bring a new attraction to Storybook Island: Storybook Symphony. Storybook Symphony will feature a collection of colorful, life-size, outdoor, musical instruments, installed in the southeast section of the park. The interactive ensemble will allow visitors of all ages and abilities to explore the wonders of making music. As of March 2018, Leadership Rapid City had raised $28,500 of the $30,000 goal through a GoFundMe campaign, a Character 5K Walk/Run, and a banquet, which was held on February 20, 2018. Our final push to raise the remaining $1,500 was met by Rapid City Rotary and Rapid City Rushmore Rotary clubs. Rotarians have volunteered and helped raise funds for Storybook Island and are happy to support this new feature. The staff of Storybook Island and Leadership Rapid City, Class of 2015, are thrilled to bring Storybook Symphony to the park,. Playing music has been shown to increase social and academic skills while building self-esteem. The musical equipment is specifically designed for outdoor use and is built to last with very little maintenance. This attraction will serve Storybook Island for years to come. Leadership Rapid City, Class of 2015, has committed to purchase and install Storybook Symphony at no cost to Storybook Island. We have set an aggressive goal to install the exhibit in the Spring of 2018.
Storybook Symphony plays on!
2018-04-13 06:00:00Z |
Where's this billboard?
Where's this billboard?
2018-03-30 06:00:00Z |
On Saturday, March 3, 2018 nearly 200 guests enjoyed an incredible gourmet meal, wide array of refreshments and opportunity to bid on unique live auction packages at the 24th Annual Gala at Mount Rushmore. Rotary Club of Rapid City Rushmore sponsored the entertainment-Cowboy Brad Fitch, emceed the event, and assisted with event planning and coordination. Xanterra Parks & Resorts, Inc. donated the meal, beverages and auction packages and National Park Service staff chipped in to provided top-notch service during this elegant evening in the newly-renovated dining room. In addition to serving as a “Thank You Celebration” for Diamond and Gold Sponsors of the Rushmore Rotary Black Hills Children’s Home Golf Tournament, this event is on track to raise more than $29,000 this year to support Children’s Home Child Advocacy Center (CAC).   CAC provides expert forensic interviews of children who are alleged victims of sexual and/or physical abuse or who have witnessed violence. Children’s Home Society established CAC with the support and involvement of law enforcement agencies, the medical community, United States and State Attorneys and court services. In addition to forensic interviews for children, CAC provides family support services and abuse prevention programs. (www.chssd.org/cac) Since 1989 Rotary Club of Rapid City Rushmore, partner businesses, golfers and guests have raised nearly $1.5 MILLION DOLLARS to support Children’s Home Society programs in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Each July this club hosts a fundraising golf tournament and every March they host the Gala event. In addition to all the complimentary admissions for the Gala that are part of the Diamond and Gold Golf Sponsorships, the GALA itself has raised over $415,000! Rotary Club of Rapid City Rushmore has been a vital supporter of Children’s Home Society for nearly 30 years!  (L-R:) Laura Hawkins, Tiffanie Pietro and Brandi Tonkel. Laura was the very first forensic interviewer and Rushmore Rotary guaranteed her salary for three years to enable the program to get started. Tiffanie and Brandi are the current interviewers. By creating this program we help to protect children who had been sexually abused from repeated interviews. It has been a tremendous assistance also to law enforcement in handling these cases. Save the dates for upcoming events: 29th Rushmore Rotary BHCH Golf Tournament is Monday, July 30, 2018. The 25th GALA at Mount Rushmore is Saturday, March 16, 2019.
2018-03-24 06:00:00Z |
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day at Darla & Doug's home!
Doug and Darla invite you to their home at 4813 Carriage Hills Drive, on Friday, March 16, around 5:30 pm. Access their home via Sheridan Lake Road to Corral Drive. Bring snacks to share!
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day at Darla & Doug's home!
2018-03-07 07:00:00Z |
Students of Distinction
Our February 27 meeting was a rousing celebration of second trimester Students of Distinction! We packed the room at 7 AM!
Students of Distinction
2018-02-28 07:00:00Z |
Rotaract club pizza party!
SDSM&T Rotaract and Rapid City Rushmore clubs met for pizza on February 26 at the SDSM&T campus. The student club maintains 15-25 members, and completed three service projects so far this year. They recruit students during the fall student fair, and elect officer s every April. Attending from Black Hills State University was Jama Khainzan, a Northern Hills Spearfish Rotarian, who is energetically forming a Rotaract club at BHSU. She met with Meerab Joseph, SDSM&T Rotaract secretary, and Heidi Bell Gease, Rushmore club liaison, to gain some tips. Jama is a Rotarian from Mongolia, reported Rotaract is strong there, and suggests an exchange program with them in the future.
Rotaract club pizza party!
2018-02-28 07:00:00Z |
Membership Picnic
Members celebrated the end of our recent "membership drive" with a picnic hosted by the losing team (men) on July 11th at the Central States Fairgrounds. A total of 12 new members have joined bringing our total to 75!! Great turn out and cause for celebration. .jpg)
Membership Picnic
2017-12-20 07:00:00Z |
Children's Home Gala
The 24th annual Children's Home Gala will be held on Saturday, March 3, 2018 at Mt. Rushmore's newly remodeled dining hall. A partnership of Xanterra, National Park Service and Rushmore Rotary has raised approximately $30,000 annually. Save-the-date postcards will be mailed soon, (see attached) with formal invitations to follow. Tickets are $90/person, with seating limited to 200. Pre-dinner social, delicious dinner, fun auction, and entertainment rounds out a wonderful evening. Please rsvp to Theresa or Katie at 605-343-2811.
Children's Home Gala
2017-12-06 07:00:00Z |
SDSM&T Rotaract Stuffs Puppies for Polio
A group of Rotaract members stuffed 100 puppies, and then sold all of them for $20 each. Josiah Horner, club president, worked the table at student center. They netted $550 for polio, with the Gates Foundation match of $1100, totaling $1650. They estimate 60 cents per vaccine, protecting 2,750 children from contracting polio.
SDSM&T Rotaract Stuffs Puppies for Polio
2017-11-23 07:00:00Z |
Rotary Day on December 5 is Committee Reports
All committees will be reporting their progress at the half-year point on December 5. This will be a very interesting and informative meeting!
Rotary Day on December 5 is Committee Reports
2017-11-23 07:00:00Z |
Foundation Donations add up
Norm Peterson, Club Foundation Chair, encouraged members to contribute to the Foundation in November, and he walks his talk! Both Norm and Linda gained the next level on Paul Harris recognition. Linda decided to join Norm in the Paul Harris Society, agreeing to contribute $1000 per year ongoing. Norm is anticipating a good report on club giving, and will report findings in mid-December.
Foundation Donations add up
2017-11-23 07:00:00Z |
Hansen honored as District Rotarian of the Year for 2016-17
Carmen Hansen, District Membership Chair, was honored by Immediate Past District Governor Ed Jacobson at the District Conference. But Carmen had left for a family event by the time of the award. So we surprised her with the award at a club meeting in November! Congratulations Carmen, and thanks for your hard work on encouraging membership in Rotary!
Hansen honored as District Rotarian of the Year for 2016-17
2017-11-23 07:00:00Z |
A Note from Beyond the School of St. Jude: John’s Service Year
It’s been about 7 weeks since John’s first day at his Community Service Placement and he has already achieved so much. Thank you for your continued support of John who has taken the opportunity to show his appreciation for the support you have given him by giving back to his community. We believe that sharing the benefts of a quality education and giving back to the community is an important part of the culture of The School of St Jude. John has decided to work as a teacher at Kimaseki Secondary School. He is teaching Biology to Form 1 students. In addition to teaching full classes, John is helping other Science classes with there practicals and assisting with the Debate Club! As government schools often deal with large class sizes, very few teachers and do not have the resources and support that private schools have, John is providing much needed help in his community by working as a teacher. "I have learnt when you stay with your fellow students you behave differently compared to when you are with your fellow teachers. I no longer see myself as a student but as a adult." John is doing a great job and will derive more and more from this experience as his Community Service Year continues. We know that his community will, too!
A Note from Beyond the School of St. Jude: John’s Service Year
2017-11-23 07:00:00Z |
Christmas Social Invite
Christmas Social Invite
2017-10-30 06:00:00Z |
Hiway Cleanup a great day!
On Saturday, October 7, a group of lively Rotarians and friends joined together to clean our assigned section of Highway 16 from Sitting Bull Cave area to just prior to the turnoff for Rockerville. We always have a great time and the volunteers are very much appreciated. Participating this time were Ann Bolman, George Twitero, Carmen Hansen, her husband Gary Hansen, Janet Kahler, Weldon Freightner, Ivan Brown, Gene Bilodeau, Michael O'Connor, Pat Peel, Jean Cline, Maria Roes, Cindy Hansen, and her grandson, Kyle Klinnert.  
Hiway Cleanup a great day!
2017-10-18 06:00:00Z |
George Twitero honored with Kozak Award
George Twitero was honored at the District Conference with the 2017 Roger Kozak Service Above Self Award. It is given in recognition of exceptional service to Rotarians in Rotary District 5610. The award honors the memory of Roger L. Kozak, long-time member of the Vermillion Rotary Club, who served as District 5610 Governor, 2009-10. Roger Kozak distinguished himself as an exceptionally dedicated servant leader. George Twitero, PDG 1996-97, served also as Treasurer and Council of Legislation positions, and gives of his time, talent and treasure to the Rapid City Rushmore club.
George Twitero honored with Kozak Award
2017-10-18 06:00:00Z |
“What’s Happened?…What’s Next?”
STORYBOOK ISLAND - Clean up days April 6, 2019 and April 13, 2019 - 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. MEMBERSHIP CONTEST - Congratulations to the Men; they won the membership contest by 1 point. We will host a victory party on April 23, 2019 at 5:30 pm at VFW. More details to follow.
“What’s Happened?…What’s Next?”
2017-09-12 06:00:00Z |
Football Book Update
Football Book Update
2017-09-07 06:00:00Z |
Our Club has great speakers!
Yes, we have great speakers every week, whether it's a member of a community business or organization, or our own members' reports on Rotary Day-the first Tuesday of the month. Or perhaps it's a tiger roar! We recently met at the Central States Fair and were entertained by beautiful tigers! Thanks Ron Jeffries. (more photos available, ask Linda Peterson to email yours.)
Our Club has great speakers!
2017-08-30 06:00:00Z |
Children's Home Golf Fundraiser
THANK YOU for joining us for the 28th Annual Children’s Home Society Rushmore Rotary Golf Tournament! Proceeds from this event will support Children’s Home Child Advocacy Center (CAC.) The 2018 Golf Tournament date is Monday, July 30! Rotary Club of Rapid City Rushmore has been a long-time, valued friend to Children’s Home Society of SD. With support from sponsors and golfers, Rotary has raised nearly 1.4 MILLION DOLLARS since 1989 to support Children’s Home Society Programs in the Black Hills. We have contributed to every building project at Black Hills Children’s Home and the Community Based Services location in east Rapid City. Our efforts today are vital to the financial sustainability of Children’s Home Child Advocacy Center. YOUR DONATED DOLLARS AT WORK *The goal of Children’s Home Child Advocacy Center is to reduce a child’s trauma by eliminating repeated interviews and medical examinations by multiple investigative parties when child abuse is suspected. *CAC is a cooperative venture between Children’s Home Society, law enforcement agencies, the medical community, United States and State Attorneys and court services. *CAC also provides family support services and abuse prevention programs. *The number of children served by CAC in 2016 INCREASED 24%!
Children's Home Golf Fundraiser
2017-08-10 06:00:00Z |
Rotarian of the Year Announced!
President-Elect Darla Crown announced the Rotarian of the Year award to Dr. Scott Van Dam at the regular morning meeting on June 27. Scott was the chair of this year’s annual Mt. Rushmore Gala, however, a major renovation precluded the use of the dining area this year so the Gala event committee created "March Gladness!" The community was encouraged to donate to a non-event, or host “mini events.” That effort raised over $25,000, matching previous year’s donations. Out-going President Jean Cline commended Scott Van Dam for his efforts to improve the lives of children, proceeds go to meet the Rapid City Rushmore Rotary club's challenge to raise $250,000 for the Child Advocacy Center.
Rotarian of the Year Announced!
2017-06-27 06:00:00Z |
Children's Home Pledge Update
Scott Van Dam reported progress on our pledge to the Child Advocacy Center of the Children's Home Society. Current pledge to Child Advocacy Center Endowment for 2016 is $250,000. Income: July 2015 Golf Tournament add'l $716, March 2016 Gala at Mt. Rushmore $25,550, July 2016 Golf Tournament $70,443, March 2017 “March Gladness” fundraisers $25,214, leaving a balance of $128,007. What a great job the Gala Committee did to come up with an alternative to the Gala while Mount Rushmore was under renovation! Three members of our club: Darla Crown, Linda Peterson and Scott Van Dam had VERY creative ideas for events that spurred matches and participation from a variety of sponsors. We're WELL on our way to meeting our current pledge. Thanks to all who participated!
Children's Home Pledge Update
2017-06-07 06:00:00Z |
Tikes & Bikes Poker Run
Rapid City Rushmore Rotary hosted the 7th Annual Tikes & Bikes Poker Run, July 30, 2017, benefiting Thrive, a ministry of Love INC of the Black Hills. Thrive is an outdoor adventure resale store where youth (ages 14-17) learn life and employment skills while repairing and selling donated or consigned outdoor adventure gear and equipment.
Tikes & Bikes Poker Run
2017-05-31 06:00:00Z |
Membership Matter Workshop
A Membership workshop is scheduled for Black Hills area clubs on May 20. Please signup up on the District website if you are planning to attend this workshop.
Membership Matter Workshop
2017-05-05 06:00:00Z |
Four-Way Test Essay Contest Winners!
Four-Way Test Essay Contest Winners!
2017-04-05 06:00:00Z |
Children's Home Gala is YOU!