Today was Rotary Day.
We welcomed the Rapid City Alternative Academy Students of Distinction for the 1st semester of 2024-2025 along with their families. Each was presented with a $50 Walmart gift card from Rushmore Rotary. Congratulations, and keep up the great work!

This morning we heard a terrific presentation from our own Kibbe Brown and Tianna Yellow Hair who shared their experiences on the Rotary Group Study Exchange Cultural Exchange. This was the first Rotary exchange involving indigenous peoples from District 5610 Lakota tribe members and District 9705 Wiradjuri tribe members in Australia. This was a 3 week district wide tour through Australia where they exchanged and compared experiences, enjoyed cultural foods and programs and spoke at the District 9705 Conference, receiving huge accolades. For more information on Rotary’s GSE program visit www.rotary.org.